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Camilla had been awoken by Bill and Charlie jumping on her

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Camilla had been awoken by Bill and Charlie jumping on her. It was still dark outside and the two small boys could hardly contain their excitement. The Prewett house didn't have enough bedrooms for all her siblings and the children to stay, so Camilla had suggested the idea of a sleepover in her room. Bill and Charlie had been absolutely delighted to do so.

"Auntie Cami! Wake up! its Christmas" Bill said, jumping up and down on her bed excitedly

Camilla rubbed her eyes tiredly and smiled, as Charlie snuggled down beside her, his toy dragon in his hand.

"Has Santa come auntie cami?" he asked practically shaking with excitement

Camilla laughed and shushed them quietly, not wanting to wake the rest of the house up.

"Come on, lets have a look shall we?" she said, taking their hands and getting out of bed.

The two boys ran downstairs and gasped, their small hands over their mouth in amazement.

"presents!" Bill gasped, running down the stairs, followed closely by Charlie

"can we open them Cami?" Charlie asked, picking one up and holding it to her

"Not until everyone else is awake" Camilla said with a smile, "How about some gingerbread for breakfast?"

The two boys faces lit up.

Camilla sat at the breakfast table, sipping her tea as she watched the boys tuck into their gingerbread.

"Don't tell your mum. If she asks, you had toast and an apple, okay?"

The boys nodded in response though Camilla wasn't particularly sure that they had listened.

She was excited to give the boys their presents. She had gotten Bill a new toy broom and Charlie a toy dragon which seemed to blow fire as a small glow of light flushed from it's mouth. It was Charlies recent obsession and both boys liked quidditch. Camilla didn't know if she could ever get along with them if they didn't like quidditch.

The rest of the family had awoken and they had all sat around the living room laughing and chatting whilst exchanging presents. Camilla hoped all of her friends had liked her presents. For lily she had bought a couple of muggle books she had expressed her love for, for Marlene a brand new set of dragon leather flying gloves, for Alice a dainty necklace which had a small pendant of a daisy flower, Mary a Quill that changed colour as you drew (Camilla knew she hated making class notes in normal black ink) and for Remus a small but delicate muggle wrist watch.

The presents had cost Camilla a fortune and she had never been so happy with herself when she had decided to spread out her buying throughout the year.

There was one more person she had sent a present to.

She knew he would hate it and a smile pulled against her lips.

"Camilla, this one is for you, it was hidden behind the tree" her father said as he held a large box in his arms.

Camilla frowned in confusion she had already received all her presents and had thanked everyone profusely.

"are you sure dad?" she asked

"Quite sure, It says camilla on it" he shrugged

Camilla had no idea who it may have been from. Sitting down on the floor she started to untie the box which was holding the lid onto the large box bottom. It was almost as tall as her.

Ripping off the paper and flipping off the lid, Camilla froze.

"What is it Cami?" Charlie asked expectedly from Molly's knee

Camilla's mouth hung open slightly as she reached her hand inside and brushed her fingers against the cold smooth wood.

"Its... its a broom" She muttered out in disbelief lifting it out of the box to inspect it

"well that's brilliant darling" Doris smiled, "You may not have to work this summer now"

"It's not just any broom" She said, admiring the gold writing carved into the handle, "This is a Cleansweep five!"

"A cleansweep five?!" Fabien exclaimed, "Blimey, who's got you that?"

"Those things cost more than all our houses combined!" Gideon joked making Doris send him a slight scowl

Camilla laughed. Her adult brothers seemed to be like excited children.

"It doesn't have a signature anywhere" Arthur said picking up the box and inspecting it, attempting to try and find whom it had come from

"How strange" Gavin commented, still slightly marvelling at the broom. He was a pretty big broom enthusiast himself.

"Do you have any idea who it may be from Cam?" Molly asked interestedly

Camilla knew exactly who it was from.

"No idea" she shrugged, still admiring the broom in her hands.

She had to go outside and test it out.

The Christmas Day family quidditch match would be a perfect  opportunity.

She needed to say thank you to James but she thought it would be sweeter in person.

James couldn't help but let a chuckle slip past his lips as he held up a bright, magenta, woollen hat.

To James,

Merry Christmas,

I hope you like your hat as much as you like mine.



"Christ, that is a horrible colour" Sirius said as he watched James hold it up and laugh, "Who is that from?"

"Prewett" James grinned

"How come I didn't get one?!" Sirius scoffed in annoyance, he made a mental node to have a word with Camilla when they returned to school.

"Prewett?" Fleamont Potter asked curiously, "Doris and Gavin's young one?"

"Camilla, isn't it?" Euphemia smiled, " we bumped into Doris and Gavin at the station, they're a lovely couple, we need to see them more often"

Sirius nodded, "James' girlfriend" he smirked

James rolled his eyes and slapped Sirius around the head as his mother and father beamed.

"Not my girlfriend, for clarification. Friend and fellow co-captain" James defended

"Ahh right" Euphemia nodded, a small smile on her lips

"Camilla Prewett is the girl you haven't stopped talking about?" Fleamont asked, "The one you said stole your captaincy?"

"The very same" Sirius grinned, happy to be stirring the pot

"I don't talk about her all the time" James said with a huff

"You do, love" Euphemia smiled, "well, they are a very lovely family. We should pop round some time in the new year. Doris and I are due a catch up"

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