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Camilla and James had displayed the notice up in the Gryffindor common room on who had made the team and quietly departed, not wanting to be engulfed by the heard of students rushing over to it

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Camilla and James had displayed the notice up in the Gryffindor common room on who had made the team and quietly departed, not wanting to be engulfed by the heard of students rushing over to it. They knew there would be plenty of disappointed Gryffindors, but they had picked their best players and were completely sure upon them. Neither James or Camilla was going to change their mind on the matter, no matter how hard anyone begged.

Sirius had been complaining about his quidditch ban from McGonagall and how it was completely unfair. Truthfully Camilla had spoken to the professor about lifting Sirius' ban but had no success. McGonagall had said she had hated to do it, but it was the only thing she could do to punish Sirius. Detentions were evidently not enough.

Camilla didn't blame her. Sirius was a nightmare most of the time.

James usually went to the pitch on Friday evening and Camilla had decided to spend her evening with her friends in her old dorm. The head's dorm was build for two people and so felt quite lonely to be in alone.

Lily had forced them all to finish their potions essay which was due the next day, much to their dismay. Marlene had managed to distract her away from the idea of homework and they all helped her to pick out an outfit for her date the next day with Amos.

"I wish Frank was still at Hogwarts" Alice sighed, at the memory of going to Hogsmede with her boyfriend.

Camilla wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "At-least you have a boyfriend" she laughed, "Not all of us are that lucky" she laughed

"Oh come off it Cam" Mary laughed, "The way you and James are, you may as well be together!"

"Me and Potter?" Camilla scoffed as if it was ridiculous, "never in a million years"

Once all potions essays were completed and Lily's outfit for the next day perfected, Camilla returned to her dorm.

She could hear the shower running in the bathroom indicating that James was back from his training. The showers at the pitch were always a little bit too cold for James who prerffered his showers scolding hot. Camilla assumed he wouldn't be back until later on. On Friday nights he often trained well into the evening and so she hadn't expected him to be back by the time she arrived.

Changing into her pyjamas she made herself comfortable on the sofa in-front of the fire and picked up James' notebook which rested on the coffee table, flicking through the pages.

Camilla used James' notebook so often that it was more a shared possession.

Reading through James' recent notes on the paper, Camilla didn't hear the water turn off and the bathroom door close behind him. 

"Evening Prewett"

Camilla glanced up from the notebook and was met with quite a sight.

"Potter" she nodded in greeting, feeling a hot blush creep up her neck.

James stood to the side of the sofa.

A white towel was wrapped around his waist carelessly and he wore a smug smirk which was plastered onto his lips.

His hair was still sodden and he ran a hand through it, messing it up slightly.

Camilla watched a droplet of water run down his torso and down below the towel.

She looked away with an awkward cough, aware she had been staring. She hoped James hadn't noticed the blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Hooch caught me before I left the pitch; said that there is a new key for the broom shed so you'll need to head to her office tomorrow morning to pick up the new key. Thought I'd let you know before I forgot, I heard you come in" He explained, a hint of smugness in his voice

"Alright, thanks potter" She nodded in reply, doing her very best to not show the effect James was currently having on her.

"no worries Prewett"

Camilla had taken time to gather her composure as James had retreated to his room and changed into his pyjamas. It was a Friday night tradition to head down the kitchens for something sweet and to eat it in-front of the fire on the sofa together.

Both James and Camilla had a sweet tooth.

That night they had chosen a large berry cheese cake which sat in-between them. They had a fork each and dug in.

As Camilla chatted absentmindedly to James, James' mind was elsewhere.

He thought about how fast things had changed over the past years.

How had Camilla gone from being that one annoyingly good blonde girl on the quidditch team, to one of his favourite people of whom he couldn't imagine living without? Their lives slotted together so easily and intertwined together with such simplicity that it was strange to think that they hadn't always been that close, never-mind living together, eating cheesecake in their pyjamas.

Camilla's pyjamas...

That particular set of Camilla's pyjamas had been driving James insane ever since he had first seen her in them.

Of course he felt terribly guilty, Camilla was his friend!

Friends didn't find the other unbelievably sexy in their little pyjamas under the firelight with a fork loaded full of cheesecake.

But James couldn't help it.

In fact, it had been nagging at him so badly he had even gone so far as to dispel his frustration over the matter with Sirius.

Sirius had explained that it was probably normal that James was experiencing such feelings towards Camilla. As Sirius had said, Camilla was a pretty girl,  beautiful in fact. James knew this as a fact, but it didn't make him feel any better about it all.

It wasn't just that though.

James often felt himself longing to speak to her, going out of his way to be near her and to impress her. Nine times out of ten, he was thinking about Camilla.

When he was with Camilla, he felt amazing.

It was almost like he ... no?

James' eyes widened behind his glasses as all of trains of thoughts which were tangled together in his brain, seemingly unravelled themselves completing a full picture.

It was so plainly obvious...

He fancied Camilla Prewett!?

Once the cheesecake was well and truly demolished and the pair of them had called it a night and settled down into their beds, Camilla laid awake.

Too many thoughts were running through her brain for her to possibly even entertain the idea of sleep.

Every-time she closed her eyes, all she could see was James standing there in his towel. Even the thought of it made her all hot and bothered.

Camilla thought about how much she liked spending time with him. They had just settled down onto the sofa and chatted until late into the night, yet Camilla couldn't think of anything better.

James was her favourite person to talk to.

James got Camilla and Camilla got James.

Every day Camilla would wake excited to see James, excited to speak with him and spend time with him.

It was almost like she ...no?

Absolutely not!

...Oh merlin, she fancied James Potter...

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