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Although majority of the Gryffindors had felt absolutely horrendous the next day, Camilla had felt surprisingly fine

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Although majority of the Gryffindors had felt absolutely horrendous the next day, Camilla had felt surprisingly fine. The party had continued for much longer after they had departed and she was feeling a lot more spritely than the rest of her friends.

News of James and Camilla's relationship and kiss the previous night had spread through the castle like wildfire and they were quickly becoming know as the Hogwarts golden couple, especially within Gryffindor house.

Although lots of Gryffindor students had been terribly hungover, the professors had not been lenient on any subjects. O.W.Ls for fifth years had just began and Camilla spent a lot of her time studying for her NEWT's which were in about a months time. It was all happening at once and the Slytherin quidditch match was shortly before the exam period.

Her time was split between studying in the library with Lily, Remus, Mary and Alice and down at the quidditch pitch training.

So far she was quietly confident as the exams approached and wasn't particularly too stressed out about it all. Of course she knew of her weaknesses, such as Potions, but Lily had given her some extra tips and supplied her with some notes in which she could memorise.

Word from her family about the war outside had been increasingly difficult. From what they had told her, and from what Camilla had inferred; they were losing.

With the death toll hitting a hundred, and ever increasing, the order was struggling. With more and more deaths of members and the ever increasing recruitment of death eaters, they were hugely out numbered.

Her anxiousness had similarly flourished when news that there had been attacks on other families, such as the Abbott's, whom shared the Prewett families disposition towards the conflict.

Everyday when Camilla woke, she would be terrified to open the paper or to check her post that landed in front of her. Terrified to read the news she didn't want to hear.

For Camilla, a little voice at the back of her head had told there that it wouldn't happen to her. In her eyes, her family was invisible. Camilla liked to think the Prewett family as untouchable, unable to be reached by the losses caused by the war. Especially her elder brothers.

Fabian and Gideon had always seemed so god like to her. She was their little sister after all. Always there to protect her and so high above anyone else that no one could even get so far to touch a hair on their red head. In Camilla's mind, Fab and Gid were so amazing, untouchable, invisible and wildly talented that nothing bad could ever happen to them. In Camilla's mind, the order was awfully lucky to have them on their side. Because the Prewett brothers were outstanding wizards, unwavering in the face of danger and courageous in everything that they did.

Camilla looked up to them.

In her eyes, they would do no wrong and never be bested.

Fabian and Gideon were Camilla's role models.

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