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The rivalry between the two houses had met boiling point

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The rivalry between the two houses had met boiling point. It was the morning of the match and the Gryffindor team were all sat together at breakfast in their uniform. Members of their house had been endlessly coming up to them and slapping them on the back and wish them good luck.

The team were all in good spirits, all except James, who seemed unusually worried about it all.

Camilla felt awfully calm about it all.

She had a secret advantage that no one else knew of. They would find out soon enough though.

"At least eat something" she said, putting a slice of toast covered with marmalade on James plate.

Marmalade was his favourite. He would always have it before a match.

"How are you so calm?" James asked in disbelief as he watched Camilla shovel in another spoonful of cereal into her mouth, "At the Hufflepuff match you looked as if you could have been sick, and when it comes to the hardest match of the year, you're perfectly fine!"

Camilla just shrugged, " We've got this" she said putting a hand is shoulder, "And don't forget, You're James fucking Potter. Stop being a such worry wart and get that toast down you and score some goals"

James watched her finish her breakfast in complete confusion before she got up and walked around the table, checking in with the team to make sure they were all feeling good and had eaten enough.

"Why is she so chirpy?" Marlene asked pulling a face to James and Sirius whilst Camilla was checking in with Mclaggen, Rachel king and Frank

"Merlin If I know" James replied

"You better eat that toast mate before she comes back here and shoves it down your throat" Sirius said, pointing to James' plate.

"I think you're right mate"

The time had finally come and the team were all gathered around in a huddle in the dressing rooms. They could hear the cheering and excitement from the crowd and Camilla wanted nothing more than to just get on her broom.

"We have got this" she said calmly addressing the team, "For those who was on the team last year, forget last year. I've seen the Slytherins play and they're sloppy. They don't work well as a team and they only care about their own glory. If we stick to the plan and the formations..." she gave a pointed look to James who rolled his eyes, "... we will win. We've worked so hard for this, so go out there and have fun and do your best" she smiled encouragingly, "James, is there anything you would like to say?" she asked turning to him

"yeah" he nodded, "Just don't fuck up"

Sirius snorted and camilla shook her head whilst the rest of the team chuckled.

"Introducing the match of the day! Slytherin versus Gryffindor! It was been quite a ride already for these two teams and the rivalry is piping hot!"

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