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At breakfast the next day Camilla and Lily hadn't been particularly surprised to not see Remus

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At breakfast the next day Camilla and Lily hadn't been particularly surprised to not see Remus. He often spent a day or so recovering in the hospital wing after the full moon.

However, they were surprised to find James not in his usual place beside Sirius.

Camilla furrowed her eyebrows. Was James avoiding her after their almost kiss the night before?

She hoped not.

After a having some time to think about it all, she had no idea what had come over her. Or James for that matter.

They had almost kissed!


Friends didn't kiss. It was wrong.

She sincerely hoped James didn't see her differently or that he thought any less of her.

It was a poor lapse of judgement and wrong.

But it didn't feel wrong...

"Black, Pettigrew!" Marlene called down the table to the remaining marauders, "Where has Potter and Lupin got to?"

"they better not be up to anything" Mary added with a smile, but also a nervous expression on her face, fearing an end of year marauders prank upon the unknowing students at breakfast.

Peter opened his mouth to reply, but Sirius interrupted him, seemingly not trusting him to reply.

"Lupins still feeling a bit rough" he explained simply

"Still?" Alice frowned, "the poor thing, we should go and pop down to see him-"

"No!" Sirius interrupted, "No" he corrected himself with a softer voice, "We went earlier and madam Pomfrey told us he was asleep"

"And James?" Camilla asked

"he's... come down with Lupin's flu" Sirius replied, seemingly quite happy with answer he'd managed to come up with on the spot.

Lily and Camilla gave each other knowing discreet look. Remus Lupin definitely was not in the hospital wing with the flu, and neither was James.

Camilla sighed, knowing that she had history of magic first thing and wasn't able to head down to the hospital wing to find out more.

Professor Binns history of magic class on Uric the Oddball was particularly dull and camilla couldn't focus herself to listen. Even the thought of his jelly fish hat wasn't enough to entertain her.

She wondered if both Remus and James were doing alright. She also couldn't help herself but theorise of ideas of what the rest of the marauders had gotten up to during the full moons.

They were obviously up to something.

Not only that, but the Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor quidditch match was the next day, and the thought of not having James on the pitch for their most important game yet made a wave of nervousness wash over her body.

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