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Camilla sat in her dorm room on her bed

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Camilla sat in her dorm room on her bed. Her trunk was already packed for the journey home and she was making a list of people she had to buy Christmas presents for. So far she had her mum, her dad, Molly, Fabien, Gideon, Lily, Mary, Alice, Marlene and Remus. It was a lot of people already and she was glad she had already started her gift buying last year. It meant she could spread out the expenses across the year. However, she struggled over the name of one person. Would it be weird to get him a present?

She scribbled James' name down and drew a question mark next to it.

Whilst Camilla was already completely packed, the same could not be said for Mary and Marlene who frantically searched around the dorm for the remainder of their belongings. The room looked like a bomb had hit it. Textbooks and school uniform and clothes and shoes and hair brushes and muggle books and everything you could imagine was scattered all over the floor.

"Oh for goodness sake" Alice said, scooping up the pile of clothes which had belongings in of each girl, "Just pack them and you can post each other the others stuff, we don't have time for this"

Lily and Camilla laughed as they watched Alice hurry Mary and Marlene up.

Camilla's owl had finally flown in through their dorm window and landed on her shoulder. Bernard used to belong to Molly but now the Weasleys had Arthur's owl, Errol, and so Bernard had been passed to Camilla.

"Come on" Lily said, standing up and picking up her trunk, we need to get down the carriages before they are all gone.

Camilla agreed and locked Bernard Into his cage and gathered her belongings.

The carriage ride to the station had been horribly cold and the girls sat as close as possible to each other for warmth. Even Camilla's warm coat didn't prevent the cold air from penetrating her skin. It was a relief to finally board the train for the warmth inside was a comfort and the girls sunk into the squishy seats on the train in an compartment.

"I can't wait for the trolly to come round" Marlene said as she felt her stomach rumble

Camilla wished she could say the same. She had given all her money to James for the sweets they had taken from Honeydukes but she supposed that was her own fault and didn't particularly mind too much. James had paid for her lot of the sweets and more, the least she could do was pay him back a little.

In the other compartment James, Sirius, remus and Peter all lounged around talking about Severus Snape who had particularly been getting on their nerves recently. Sirius was especially prickled by the Slytherin whom he had an altercation with the previous week in potions.

James had kept his coat on to try and warm himself further from the chilly ride of the carriages to the station. He put his cold hands in his pocket to try and thaw them a little bit and he heard a jangle inside them. In confusion he pulled out two gold coins. To the other boys it meant nothing. So what? James pulled two gold coins out of his pocket? it was nothing unusual. But James knew that the money was not his. Camilla must have slipped it into her pocket when he wasn't looking. He felt awful. James knew that the Prewett's didn't particularly have much and for camilla to give him at-least something, even when he had offered to pay himself, it made him smile slightly in appreciation.

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