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The order had gathered around at Alastor Moodys residence

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The order had gathered around at Alastor Moodys residence. It was a safe hold for the order and Moody had been briefing and preparing them all for the string of attacks they had predicted would occur over the coming weeks.

Camilla had sat between Lily and James at the kitchen table as the rest of the order listened in from either the table or stood scattered around the kitchen.

"Prepare yourselves" Moody had said gruffly, "We have inside information that numerous attacks are to occur this week, primarily on several muggleborns. Though as we know, several pureblood families have in fact be targeted previously"

Camilla swallowed thickly as she remembers the fate of the Bones' and her brothers.

Certain members of the larger Prewett family were indeed in the Dark Lords bad books. Even the Weasley's who were well known to be supportive of the order of the phoenix and the effort, were in danger everyday. Camilla paled at the idea of the weasleys ever being exposed to such things, especially her nephews.

Sirius, Mary, James and Camilla had been sent out along with Benji Fenwick, Hestia Jones and Stutgis Podmore to a wizarding village just a few miles away from Hogsmeade. There had been an attack, as Moody and the other Aurors had predicted, and the order had been sent to try and prevent anymore damage and death than had already been done. It was well known that the Pettigrew's had a fairly large house on the outskirts of the village and Camilla and Mary had set off in a rush towards it to check if any of the Pettigrew's were hurt, or worse, whilst the rest of the order continued to fight in inbetween the streets of the houses as the death eaters continued to set people's homes alight.

By the time they had reached the brow of the hill, they doubled over panting from the exhaustion of running up it and looked down towards the Pettigrew home below them.

A bright orange glow reflected in Mary and Camilla's eyes as they watched the house burn down before them in the distance, great flames swallowing it whole.

The two girls shared a terrified expression and immediately ran towards the burning building, hoping for the best.

Where was Peter? He wasn't at that specific order meeting? He must have been at his home.

Panic set in for the two girls as they quickly approached.

"Pete! Peter!" Camilla called, struggling for breath

"Peter!" Mary copied, "Peter?! Mr and Mrs Pettigrew?!"

The heat from the fire had created a sheer glow of sweat across their foreheads and they pulled their wands out in a defence, worried someone or something may creep out of the flickering flames.

"Camilla?! Mary?!" a voice called out through the deafening crackle, "Is that you?!"

The two girls shared a relieved look and followed the voice around the back of the house to the back garden.

There they found Peter, alongside Mr and Mrs Pettigrew staring wide eyed at their crumbling home.

Mrs Pettigrew looked positively terrified and her eyes shon with tears.

"T-they came!" Peter quivered, the death eaters, they came!"

Camilla could only put an arm around the shaking boy comfortingly, "It's alright Peter, they're gone now"

"They came out of no where!" Mr Pettigrew exclaimed, "Like wisps of black smoke! you are bloody mad if you think you have a chance of beating them!"

Camilla tried to hush him, though it didn't have much effect.

"Come on Mr and Mrs Pettigrew, let's get you back to Moody's where is warm, dry and safe" Mary said looking around quickly to make sure no one was left lingering around the property listening in

They agreed and the five of them had apparated back to safety without looking back.

"What happened?" Camilla finally asked as Peter had started to stop shaking and could finally speak properly, a mug of tea in his hand and wrapped in a tatty blanket.

"It was them, they came!" Peter quivered

"We think it was because of Peter affiliation with the Order" Mr Pettigrew muttered solemnly, but also in a way in which made it seem like he blamed them and the order for the destruction of his home.

That was so much was obvious. The death eaters were no longer just targeting muggleborns and their families, but all the wizarding families which dared to utter a word against them. Peter joining the Order had done just that.

But Camilla was confused.

The Pettigrew's were alive.

Not many people whom were visited specifically by death eaters ever made it out alive. Edgar Bones' parents were a fine example of that.

"And they spared you?" Camilla asked, looking very confused, "they didn't end up...killing you?"

Peter suddenly looked terribly afraid again and looked awfully guilty.

"They let you live?" She asked again

Peter nodded frantically, "Yes yes, they must have known the order was coming!"

He wrung his chubby hands in his lap and Camilla and Mary shared a skeptical look. But it was Peter, he'd be telling the truth. What reason would he have to lie to them?

The rest of the group had returned in a few hours time, bloody and bruised, but nothing too serious.

As James appeared back at the safe house, he approached Camilla and gave her a bone crushing hug before turning to Peter.

"Christ Pete!" He said sitting down beside him, "I'm sorry to hear about the house. I can't believe the gits! We'll get them next time, they just pipped up this time"

Peter smiled back weakly but was unable to meet James' eye.

That night as James and Camilla laid in bed, and Camilla stared at the ceiling, she couldn't help but think how unlikely it all was.

"Don't you think it was strange the death eaters let the pettigrew's live?" she asked, continuing to stare at the ceiling thoughtfully

"What do you mean?" James asked sleepily, about to drift off

"I mean... no one gets let off when the death eaters are after you. He's not particularly a big fan on mercy, is he, Voldemort?"

James rolled over and looked to her searching her eyes, wondering where she was going.

He urged Camilla to continue.

"I don't know... It's almost like he was given an ultimatum. Like he's given them something in exchange for his life... I don't know, it's stupid really"

James just smiled softly and kissed her forehead, "Don't worry about it Cam, it's pete, he would never. No need to panic about it all. We just need to be thankful that they're all alive and well, even though they are without a home for a little while"

"I guess you're right"

"Get some sleep"


Sorry for not updating in so long. I'm ill atm and working everyday and have exams.
In a few days i'm also going on holiday so updates may be a bit irregular but i'll try my best.

just thought i'd try and get atleast 1 chapter out for you all xx

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