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Camilla sat in the common room polishing her broom whilst Marlene and Mary did their homework for the next day and Alice and Lily played a game of chess

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Camilla sat in the common room polishing her broom whilst Marlene and Mary did their homework for the next day and Alice and Lily played a game of chess. The marauders had also joined them during some point in the evening.

That evening both Camilla and James had to serve their detentions with Professor McGonagall.

Camilla sighed as she checked her watch, noticing the time.

"Where are you going?" Marlene asked as both camilla and James stopped polishing their brooms, standing up to leave.

"Detention" they said in sync

James seemed like the concept of detention was not a particularly new one. He didn't want to think how many he had over his time. Camilla however, was less casual about the matter. Sure, she had served a couple of detentions in her time, but she didn't actively go seeking them, unlike some other people she knew.

The group of Gryffindors watched them leave.

"They're too similar for their own good" Lily said shaking her head

"Yeah, it weird" Sirius agreed, watching them go

"Its a bit scary actually" Peter nodded

"They are even using the same broom polish" Marlene said with a laugh to the two pots of cedar broom polish left on the table.

"I can't believe you made me get a detention" Camilla said as her and James walked through the corridors towards the transfiguration classroom where their detention was being held

James looked to her, his mouth open,"I, made you, get detention? I think you'll find that you was the one that turned my hair red!"

"well I wouldn't of had to if you hadn't tried pranking me" Camilla said as they reached the classroom where Professor McGonagall was sat.

"Both of you, that is quite enough. You both seem to have a horrible talent for arguing. Mr Potter, Miss Prewett please take your seats"

James and Camilla didn't decided to argue back but indeed sat down quietly.

"Tonight I am unable to supervise this detention as there is an important staff meeting in which I must attend. I am taking the perhaps the terribly unfortunate belief, that the both of you will behave and remain here until the end of the detention"

"No worries professor" James replied, "we'll be good as gold, won't we Prewett?"

Camilla had stop herself from rolling her eyes, he was just so annoying.

"yes of course Professor"

Professor McGonagall gave them a stern look before packing up her belongings and disappearing down the hall.

Camilla pick up her quill and started writing the lines Professor McGonagall had given them both.

I shall not play unfortunate tricks on fellow students .

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