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Camilla and Lily had made a promise to each-other and themselves that they would not mention remus' secret again, to each other, nor anyone else

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Camilla and Lily had made a promise to each-other and themselves that they would not mention remus' secret again, to each other, nor anyone else. Remus had decided to keep his lycanthropy a secret and the girls' moral fibre urged them to remain it so.

Remus had returned to the Gryffindor common room that evening and Camilla and Lily had spotted him the next morning in his usual seat in the great hall for breakfast.

"Morning" Lily smiled to remus and then to the other marauders as she took a seat next to Peter.

"Feeling a bit better Remus?" Camilla asked courteously, scooting down the bench closer to James, as she made room for Mary to perch beside her.

James shot her a friendly wink in greeting and she replied with a little smile.

"Yeah, thanks" Remus replied with small smile, eager to change the topic, "dreading having to do that History of magic assignment though" he sighed

James looked up from his food, "Don't worry mate, you can copy mine if you'd like?"

Remus shook his head, he was never one to copy people's work out of pride. He liked to catch up for his missed classes by himself.

"Cheers Prongs" he said gratefully, "It won't take me long though, I have a free period this afternoon to do it"

"No worries, suit yourself" James shrugged finishing the pumpkin juice in his cup and pouring himself and Alice, who's cup was empty, some more.

As Camilla's friends around her ate their breakfast happily chatting. She turned her attention around to James. James must have known about Remus' condition. He always called Remus that awful nickname. If Camilla was honest, she was quite surprised James was able to keep such a secret. James had a horrible tendency of just talking until he landed himself in trouble and Camilla had always thought that James Potter would have been an awful person to keep such a big secret.

Perhaps she had been misjudging James the whole six years they had gone to school together.

She wondered what James' nickname meant. If it even had a meaning, she assumed it did.


Prongs? what could that possibly mean?

It seemed the marauders had a lot more secrets than Camilla had ever imagined. That prospect scared her slightly.

She wondered what weird and wonderful things they shared together, out of the eyes of the greater Hogwarts population.

"Alright there Prewett?" James asked smirking down at her, noticing Camilla deep in thought, pushing around the food on her plate with her knife.

Camilla looked up to meet his gaze unexpectedly. His face held amusement like watching her sit and think entertained him greatly.

James was entertained. He could practically see the cogs turning in her head.

She smiled back and nodded, "Just thinking"

"May I ask what about?" he continued, arching an eyebrow

"Quidditch formation for the Ravenclaw match" she said simply, stabbing a bit of scrambled egg

He gave her a certain look which made Camilla know that he didn't believe her.

James often felt he could read Camilla's mind. Like sometimes they even had the same mind.

It was weird and freaked him out.

He supposed it was why they were such good friends.

"That reminds me actually!" Camilla said, shovelling the rest of her breakfast into her mouth before jumping up, "I need to speak to King"

Camilla had found Rachel King further down the Gryffindor table, chatting with a couple of fifth year girls. She smiled as she noticed her team captain approach her.

"Hiya Cam" she smiled, "Is everything alright?"

She seemed concerned. The two girls never spoke outside of the quidditch pitch so it was unusual for Camilla to seek her out personally.

But that was why Camilla was asking Rachel to help her. It would be nice to include her with herself and Marlene. They were the only girls on the team. She smiled to her and to the other girls who had Introduced themselves. She was about to introduce herself back when they had assured her there was no need.

Camilla often forget she was quite well known in Gryffindor house. She was their Gryffindor team captain. The thought that people she hadn't ever met before knew her, was a difficult one to wrap her head around. She didn't think she was particularly fond on it.

She decided she'd much prefer to allow James to be the house celebrity.

"Yeah everything's fine" She reassured casually, "I just wanted to ask if you'd like to accompany me supervising the first and second year flying sessions on Saturday. It's getting pretty hectic and I don't know how many more first years I can prevent flying into the whomping willow alone"

Rachel laughed and nodded, "Yeah sure, I'll help out. Thanks for offering"

"No worries" camilla smiled back, "I'll see you at 4"

Taking her seat once again James looked to her with intrigue.

"what was that all about?" he asked

"I asked her if she'd help me supervise the first and second years" she replied

"before you asked me?!" James said with a gasp jokingly

camilla rolled her eyes in entertainment, "Yes, I've had enough of you lately"


"Trust me, It's not"

A dread in Camilla's stomach formed as she had realised that they had potions next.

As they entered the classroom, Steve Laughalot was already sat in his seat beside her own.

Sighing Camilla walked over and took her seat. She now understood how lily felt when she had to walk past Severus.

Steve threw her a dirty glare and Camilla ignored him and kept her eyes to the front of the classroom and to Professor Slughorn.

James and Sirius were well aware of Steve and Camilla at the front row and kept a watchful eye on them, attempting to make sure no hostile behaviour from Steve was going to arise. The Gryffindor and Slytherins had been on rocky footing after their match a few weeks ago and they wouldn't be surprise if their captain tried to start anything with their own captain.

Steve hadn't said anything but muttered things under his breath and gave her threatening looks

Camilla wasn't going to let it bother her and listened to Slughorn as he introduced the potions they would be covering in today's lesson.


ATYD remus makes me laugh in his younger years bcs i've grown up with so many boys like that.

I live in the north of england and grew up in a pretty rough school and he really reminds me of some boys i went to school with.

Like his little comments and gestures and whatnot.

Can't help but giggle at it

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