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"Shush, don't wake them!" Alice protested in a whisper as Sirius laughed loudly, about to tickle James nose with his quill feather

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"Shush, don't wake them!" Alice protested in a whisper as Sirius laughed loudly, about to tickle James nose with his quill feather

"They look so peaceful" Peter commented tilting his head looking at Camilla who only seemed to appear sweet when asleep. Usually she was terrifying.

"Their bickering must have worn each other out" Remus comment watching James and Camilla.

The pair of them had fallen asleep around 2am due to their exhaustion from their relentless arguing. They had just about managed to complete their reserve team but didn't quite make it to decide on the reserve Keeper. Camilla had dropped off to sleep first, quickly followed by James and they laid in a tangled mess of limbs upon the sofa. The fire had burnt out and both James and camilla seemed as if they were not going to wake up anytime soon.

"I am so jealous of prongs right now" Sirius sighed, shaking his head in dismay, watching his best friend asleep curled up next to the so called, 'girl of his dreams'.

Marlene rolled her eyes and hit him around the head before turning to Lily, "Any feelings of jealousy from you there Lils?"

Lily looked appalled earning a giggle from Mary, "Are you insane?"

The groups laughter caused the pair of them to stir.

Camilla squinted at the light that flooded into the room and stretched a little, looking around at her surroundings.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Sirius cooed from her side

Sirius Black was definitely not the first person she wanted to encounter first thing in the morning.

Camilla groaned an pushed his face away from hers with her hand as James similarly looked around the common room slightly dazed and confused.

"I can't believe we feel asleep here" she groaned rubbing her eye, "this is all your fault" she said pointing to James accusingly

"me?" James asked blinking tiredly a few times, "If I remember correctly it was you who-"

"Here we go again" Mary rolled her eyes, turning to the others, "They don't ever stop"

"fancy leaving them too it and get some breakfast?" Remus asked. The proposal was too attractive to resist.

"Couldn't of said it any better myself Moony" Peter agreed as they made their way out of the common room and into the great hall, leaving Camilla and James to bicker some more.

Camilla sat beside Mary in defence against the dark arts and she had to fight off her sleep which had threatened to take over her body. At serval times during the lesson her head had dropped and Mary would have to kick her under the table to wake her up.

James was also struggling but didn't seem to care as much as camilla about staying awake. He sat at the back of the classroom and was sleeping on his desk while Sirius tried to balance as many objects on his head as he could muster without waking him up.

Camilla tried to listen as well as she could but it was proving extremely difficult, especially when the topic of the lesson was non-verbal spells.

"You will now divide into pairs. One partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking. The other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence" their professor, Professor Rakepick instructed.

Defence agaisnt the dark arts had gone terribly and camilla was so glad to be back in the common room. The list of the Gryffindor team had been pinned up by James and Camilla congratulated everyone who had made it.

Marlene had managed to secure the last chaser position meaning that she, James and Camilla made up the three seekers. It was the same as last year and both James and Camilla knew it worked well. Sirius had remained in his position of beater, whilst the second position was taken up by Rachel King, a fourth year, who hadn't previously been on the team. Camilla had seen her at try outs the year before and she had massively improved. Keeper was once again filled by Frank Longbottom whom had been on the team for quite some while and the seeker position was regrettably filled by Micheal Mclaggen.

The reserve team consisted of mostly fourth and fifth years with less experience and the occasional third year. Camilla thought their talent was promising and seemed pretty content with the future prospects of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"So once again, congratulations to everyone who made it this year" James said, addressing their new team, "The first training session with start at 8am down at the pitch. Sessions will be be every other day and start at the same time, to avoid confusion"

A few groans from the team sounded, a loud mutter of annoyance which came from Sirius.

James gave them a warning look, "If the rigour of the training sessions prove too much for you all we will have no problem replacing any of you. As you saw have got a reserve team ready to take your place if you can't hack it. Lots of people have tried out for this team and you were the best. That being said, it will not stop us from replacing you if we think you're not up to the job"

Camilla was silently impressed and remained quiet beside James, nodding every so often in agreement. She was somewhat glad James had decided to take the lead on this one. Camilla hated to be the one to dish the threats but it needed to be said. In addition, she was so tired she didn't even think she could string words together to form a proper and literate sentence. James had seemed to cope better than camilla after his nap in defence against the dark arts, so camilla saw that it only seemed fair.

For the rest of the evening the girls gathered around the common room playing several rounds of exploding snap and wizards chess while chatting. It being only the first week they still didn't have much homework to be doing. Camilla was soon to resume her prefect duties where she was timetabled in over the weekend, and so had quite a busy weekend with her patrol shifts and quidditch training. She had succumbed to her tiredness and had fallen asleep on Lilys shoulder who hadn't seemed to have minded.

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