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Transfiguration was their last lesson of the day and they had been turning cauldron cakes into cabbages

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Transfiguration was their last lesson of the day and they had been turning cauldron cakes into cabbages.

As everyone else had started to pack away and filter out of the classroom and into the corridors off to their respective common rooms, Camilla lingered behind. James had noticed and scowled, wondering what she was going to ask McGonagall. It was definitely going to be quidditch related.

"Are you coming Camilla?" Alice asked, pulling her bag further up her shoulder

Camilla shook her head, "I'll catch you and the girls up in a bit"

Alice nodded and streamed out with the rest of the class.

Camilla collected her belongings and placed them in her bag, walking over to professor McGonagall's desk.

McGonagall looked up over her rectangle glasses from her parchment on her desk, "Miss Prewett, if you are here to try and convince me to make you quidditch captain then I can assure you that I will not change my mind. Mr Potter has already attempted to do so already"

Camilla laughed and simultaneously cursed James for doing so.

"No no" she said urgently, "Not at all professor. I have thought of an idea and wished to run it by you"

Professor McGonagall seemed intrigued and took her glasses off folding them and placing them on hr desk along with the quill in her hand.

"I am assuming this is to do with the Gryffindor quidditch team?" she asked

Camilla nodded, "Well sort of. I am wanting to provide some extra flying lessons with the first years and perhaps second years. I am aware that Madam Hooch carries out lessons during the week, however they are merely skills based. I would love to run some sessions after the end of the school day which are games based. I think it would be a really good way to get some of the younger house members involved with the house and perhaps peak their interest in quidditch. We need to secure the future of the team afterall" she shrugged

Professor McGonagall seemed impressed, "and you would take on the responsibility of these sessions?" she asked

"yes, of course" Camilla nodded eagerly, "I was thinking of putting a notice up in the common room with a sign up sheet, with your permission of course"

McGonagall nodded, "Of course, thank you Miss Prewett. That seems a wonderful idea to boost house spirit, moral and unity"

"Amazing, thank you so much Professor!"

Camilla had left the transfiguration classroom and had found someone unexpected, waiting outside it for her.

"What is it Potter?" she asked, not stopping to talk

James followed her, talking as they walked through the corridor.

"What are you up to Prewett?" James asked suspiciously

Camilla rolled her eyes amused, "Why do I have to be up to anything?"

James scoffed, "why else would you be lingering around McGonagall's desk?"

Camilla stopped walking and turned to him, "are you stalking me?"

James laughed loudly, "stalking you?"

"well, you was watching me, wasn't you?" she reasoned

"hardly" James snapped back, "I just don't trust you"

Camilla continued to walk to the common room, "I was just telling McGonagall about my new ideas to improve the quidditch team for many years to come"

"Which is by doing what?" James asked following her, annoyed that she kept walking away from him

"By you minding your own business, Potter" she smiled widely, stepping through the portrait into the common room, walking away from him, up to the girls dorms, "Don't worry about the team, I've got everything sorted. In fact, I don't believe theres any need for you at all, take the week off if you'd prefer"

James flopped onto the common room sofas beside Sirius, Remus and Peter.

"You was walking with Camilla?" Sirius asked raising an eyebrow at his best mate

James scoffed, "trust me Padfoot, it's definitely not like that at all"

Sirius hummed, "falling asleep with her and walking her back from class. Seems like you're making a move on my girl, mate"

Remus laughed, "She's just not your girl though is she Sirius"

"she may as well be" Sirius protested

"but she's not" Peter interjected, "Like Evans isn't James' girl"

Both Remus and Sirius laughed

"Merlin Wormtail, no need to be so short" James said, clutching his chest jokingly

"Why are you in such a bad mood anyway?" Remus asked, moving his piece on the chess board, playing against Peter.

"Prewett!" James exclaimed, "she's so sneaky and just so, ugh!"

Remus rolled his eyes, "James, you were friends before the start of this year"

"And never again" he replied with a shake of his head, "I cannot wait to get started on this prank"

Camilla shut the door the girls dormitory with a happy sigh.

"why are you in such a good mood?" Marlene asked from her bed with a smile

Camilla flopped down on Mary's bed beside her, "I absolutely adore pissing Potter off"

The group of Gryffindor girls laughed.

"It is quickly becoming my favourite pass time" she sighed in memory of James' fuming face

"well I for one approve" Lily said from her bed, surrounded by homework, " Potter has been so busy being annoyed by you, that he has been forgetting to annoy me"

That night camilla had got Mary and Alice to help her with the her flyers notifying all first and second year students that the quidditch sessions were taking place. Mary and Alice both had a creative imagination and so Camilla had put them to the task of the decorating.

Calling all first and second years!

Interested in Quidditch, or, merely a bit of fun?

Head down to the Quidditch pitch, every Wednesday evening at 4pm, to take part in exciting games and activities. It's  a great chance to meet new friends and have a bit of fun, run by your Gryffindor team captain, Camilla Prewett.

All abilities welcome, I hope to see you there.

Camilla hoped people would turn up, she was quite excited about the prospect. She had loads of ideas of different games they could play and different activities. She remembered playing them with Fabien and Gideon in their back-garden. She was only little, much younger than both of her elder brothers. She would loose every single one and Molly would always console her afterwards, yet she had terribly fond memories of it all.

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