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"I have prepared some concoctions this morning" Professor Slughorn said as the students eyes fell onto the three cauldrons of liquid upon his desk, "Any ideas as to what these may be?"

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"I have prepared some concoctions this morning" Professor Slughorn said as the students eyes fell onto the three cauldrons of liquid upon his desk, "Any ideas as to what these may be?"

Lily's hand shoot up.

"Yes, Miss Evans" Slughorn smiled, urging lily to come closer and look at the potions in-front of them.

"This first one is Veritaserum" Lily said inspecting it, "It's a truth telling serum. And that one, that is the draught of living death, a powerful sleeping potion that sends the drinker into a death like slumber. And the last one, Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It is rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them..."

Professor Slughorn beamed in delight while Camilla watched as Lily was starting to seemingly lean into the cauldron of Amortentia.

"Three for three Miss Evans! Bravo!" Slughorn boomed joyfully, putting the lid back on the cauldron, making Lily snap out of her daze and embarrassedly rush back to her seat with pink cheeks.

Camilla placed a hand on her arm in comfort with a small amused smile and lily shook her head at her light heartedly.

"Now, Amortentia doesn't create actual love, that is impossible, but it does create powerful infatuation or obsession. And for that reason... is probably the most dangerous potion in this room. Now, the recipe for the draught of living death can be found in page ten of your books but feel free to come and expect each potion before you all start brewing!"

Camilla, along with the rest of the class, got up out of their seats to form a queue to view the potions. As she walked over Steve had pushed his chair out purposely, quite firmly, into her side. She stopped herself from wincing in pain and pasted a nonchalant look on her face, continuing to ignore him.

She wasn't going to let someone as dim witted and awful as Steve Laughalot bully her. Camilla knew from the very start that Steve would act like this towards her after the quidditch match and she couldn't help but smile to herself.

It was so worth it.

Her thoughts were confirmed about how it was worth it as she breathed in the pink spirals of steam floating off the Amortentia.

She could smell her broom polish and the sweet citrus scent what always seemed to linger in the changing room showers.

Her love for quidditch was worth making enemies with Steve Laughalot and worth many more bruised hips.

Once again, for the majority of the lesson, Camilla had struggled to make a potion that even remained a liquid and didn't shrivel up into a solid lump of mass at the bottom of her cauldron. Though she wasn't too disheartened about it all. The only people in the entire class whose potions had seemed to be going somewhat well, was Lily and Severus'.

Camilla watched as Severus Snape scribbled notes down in his textbook, crossing out and adding certain instructions. For a second she wondered what went on inside his head to know such things but then quickly took that back and shivered, worried of what she may find if she did.

Lily's potion looked just as good but she worked a little slower than Snape, taking her time with each step.

At the back of the classroom; James, Sirius and Remus had all seemingly neglected their potion and took to laughing at Mulciber try to cut his Sopophorous bean. Sirius had let out a particularly loud howl of laughter when it had shot up and hit him in-between the eyes making him blink stupidly at it as it fell back down onto the table.

camilla had given up and taken to  enjoying watching the rest of her classmates. She observed everyone else in the room try and save their potions which were quickly descending into Chaos. She was particularly happy to see the horrible smoke pouring out of Steve cauldron making him cough and causing his hair to stick up every which way. Her potion may not be a liquid anymore, but at least her hair was perfectly fine.

Professor Slughorn had been disappointed by all counts, apart from Lily and Severus, who were able to produce a near perfect concoction.

"Thank goodness that's over" Camilla sighed as her and lily made their way to the door, heading to the Gryffindor common room for a well earned rest as Alice, Mary and Marlene all waited for them outside.

As the two girls started to leave the classroom Steve Laughalot had barged past them both, firmly shoving them into either side of the door way.

"Move it Mudblood, blood traitor" she spat, looking from Lily to Camilla.

Camilla could manage being called a blood traitor, it didn't particularly bother her, and she could manage being shoved about by Steve Laughalot, she'd experienced much worse on the quidditch pitch. But calling her best friend a mudblood was where her line was crossed. Especially when she could see the pure and raw hurt in Lily's eyes.

Before Steve had any time to react whatsoever, and before camilla had even registered what she was doing herself, her wand was pressed and pointed into the underside of his chin.

"What was that Laughalot?" She questioned, harshly, "I'm not too sure I just heard you right there"

"I said" Steve spat, "Move it... Mudblood and blood-traitor "

"I thought so" Camilla sighed, "I really didn't want to have to do this Laughalot" she said with pity in her voice,

"Colloshoo!, Entomorphis!"

Lily had let out a small gasp as she watched feelers grow out of Steve's forehead and his eyes bulge out like an insect. Steve had tried to move but was unable to do so as his shoes stuck to the ground underneath him.

"leave us alone, and don't go crying to any professors or I may just let slip to Professor Dumbledore about your little plan to cheat in our previous quidditch match. With news like that, I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to disqualify the Slytherin team from the cup. So I would watch your back if I was you, Laughalot", Camilla warned flatly

Steve looked furious but he knew he was in no position to argue back to Camilla. She well and truly had him in a sticky situation.

"Come on lily. Ignore the wanker, he's got a brain the size of his prick" she said, grabbing her friends hands and walking off down the hall, with a fuming Marlene, Alice and Mary in tow.

The marauders stood opened mouthed a couple of feet away. They had heard the nasty insult thrown by Steve and had been on their way over to teach Steve laughalot a lesson themselves.

None of them had ever considered that Camilla would have done it for them.

"Blimey" Peter said, the first one to close his mouth, "I've never seen Cam like that in my life!"

"I'm not sure what just happened but it was bloody brilliant!" Sirius said, amusement lacing his tone

"It's about time as well" Remus hummed, "He's been awful to Lily since second year. He needed teaching a lesson"

Sirius seems to have a joyful glint in his eyes, "One last prank anyone?"

James had remained awfully silent during the whole commotion and continued to watch Camilla, Lily, Marlene, Alice and Mary walk down the hallway until they were finally out of view.

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