Chapter 8 - Tower of Heaven Pt. 3

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Kai tried to follow Natsu and Happy's scents but they were all over the place, and were mixed with something foul. Also, bird-like. Weird.

Probably those Trinity Raven creeps. Not surprising that Natsu got tangled up with the enemy in like five seconds, just a little worrisome that he seemed to come out of nowhere. Kai picked up the pace a bit, one hand resting on the handle of his sword in case another were to try and sneak attack him.

Magic flared around the Tower while something else still ebbed at his sense. A dull hum that made no real sound, only an ache in the back of his mind, wriggling beneath his skin.

"Is it fear?"

Kai stopped short, clutching his blade tighter but not drawing it out. Jellal's voice came from somewhere, but Kai either couldn't tell or couldn't see.

"Is it fear that ebbs at you, Kai? That wouldn't surprise me. Just like when you first arrived here you're all alone, looking for a friend. But you won't find Erza. Sho saw to that."

Sho? What had he done?

"Don't worry, she's not dead. I can't have her killed or disappearing on me before your big moment."

"Neither of us is going to help you activate the Tower."

Jellal laughed. His voice was stronger than before, but it was the same as Siegrain's nonetheless. Well, the same as Siegrain's if you dumped heaping tons of malice atop it.

"Then I suspect you'll just leave me be and let me rot here? No. You can't just leave well enough alone anymore. You have to kill me. And I'm right here waiting for it."

Dread seized Kai and his hands quaked at his side. The droll and dark hallway of the tower led Kai's imagination down infinite paths of facing Jellal, none of which ended in victory. All of them had him slumped on the ground defeated.

"Yes. You can feel it now. The gap in our abilities. That gap in even your abilities compared to Erza."


Titania. The Scarlet Fairy. Where was she? Taken by Sho, hidden away, maybe on the brink of death?

Something in his chest tore away at him. He saw her, standing in her immaculate armor, standing against Jose, against all the foes they'd faced. A twinkle among the sea of stars in the world of magic. A woman, pure and simple. One Kai loved but could not be loved back by.

"Erza only saved you because of your power, to protect herself," Jellal said. "Because she knew she couldn't hide from me without the help of a Dragon Slayer!"

Kai wanted to break down to his knees, to fall and listen to Jellal's taunts. His legs wobbled. He closed his eyes to the darkness, but something burned at his side. On his left arm, where his guild mark was. Same as hers.

"You're Fairy Tail's other Dragon Slayer. You don't go on all the big quests, you need others to help you save the day. From this tower, I can see everything. You always need help, always need someone with you. You're not just weak alone; you're pathetic. Come on, challenge me by yourself. I'll prove it."

Kai saw Erza's face when he told her he loved her. When he tried to bring it up, whenever they were near each other afterward. The look of rejection, and disappointment. Still, something burned in him. Kai clamped his hand over the guild mark, and opened his eyes, wide. Bits of frost twinkled around the hallway.

"I can't ever just face you alone, Jellal," Kai said. His hair stood up, his magic aura slowly wafting around him. "I'm never alone anymore. This tower taught me how to find friends even in the darkest hour. And though I can't see them, and they're not standing next to me, they are still with me in here!" He removed his hand from over his guild mark. "I'm a Fairy Tail wizard now, Jellal, and that means you never fight alone! When I face you, it's going to be with the wrath of the entire guild!"

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