Chapter 28 - Edolas Pt. 4

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Kai and Lucy helped guide the two Exceeds through the dungeons, darting about and almost taking a few wrong turns. It was surprisingly difficult to retrace their steps. They came to a halt in the cells. Carla let go of Kai as he sprinted forward, ignoring the pain from the beatdown Knightwalker put on him.

He slid to a halt at the end of the hallway. "They're not here."

A cry pierced the silence, followed by another. Natsu and Wendy roared with sheer agony. Lucy's eyes widened.

"Down this way!" Carla called, and everyone rushed over to her.

Kai caught up to her as she took to the skies once more, and was thankful he did. He snagged her out of the air and leaped back, mere inches from the heavy lance of Erza Knightwalker.

The scantily clad executioner trod forward, surrounded by guards on either side of her. "This is as far as you'll be going."

Kai glowered at her as she smiled coyly at him. Wendy and Natsu's screams continued to echo through the hallway. Knightwalker shifted and a beam blasted from her lance and clipped Kai across the shoulder, instantly knocking him back into Lucy.

He rolled off of her, though his hands were still restrained. She shot another beam, this one larger, and Kai had to step in the way to protect Lucy. It hit him square in the chest. He grunted from the pain, though it honestly felt as strong as anything his Erza could hit him with.

"Kai, stop!" Lucy shouted, and Knightwalker charged them, kicking Happy aside and catching Lucy by the shirt, then slamming her to the ground.


With Knightwalker so close, Kai kicked out at her, but she leaped away. Kai managed to get to his feet in a hurry and narrowly dodged Knightwalker's attack. His movements served as enough distraction for Happy to come soaring in, head-butting her with all his might.

Knightwalker howled and Kai used the moment to take the weapon from her hand.

"What?" she howled and he turned it on the guard, who all stiffened.

"You're nothing like the real Erza," he said and charged.

Before he could thrust, though, the weapon vanished in his hand and Knightwalker punched him hard across the face. Another, a hammer, formed in Knightwalker's gauntleted hand and she slammed it on the ground, blasting Kai up and letting him fall to the ground.

"How dare you taint my weapons with your touch," Knightwalker growled. "You'll pay for your impudence."

She aimed her weapon at Happy, then knelt before Kai. She grabbed his chin and pulled him close. She did not bear Erza's scent, and vile horded in his stomach at the sight of her, of being so close.

"I never did get a chance to say goodbye to my beloved," Knightwalker said, her body so close to his. "I suppose now is that opportunity. And you may die kissing the woman you love."

Kai didn't have time to speak as Knightwalker used her superior strength to force him forward into a kiss, one Kai tried to resist but that she kept him close for.

A sudden freeze overcame the room and the soldiers were helpless to do anything as it blasted them back, then, a concussive force knocked both Kai and Knightwalker back. Kai slammed against the wall and managed to get up.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend."

Kai's eyes widened in both hope and fear as, from the misty ice, stepped Gray and Erza. Erza, though, radiated with pure hatred. Knightwalker got up to try and say something, some quip, but Erza blasted across the way and shouldered her through the stone wall, not giving her a moment to even breathe.

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