Chapter 60 - Tartaros Pt. 5

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The low, guttural laugh of Acnologia filled the valley. Members of Fairy Tail continued to scramble toward the guild hall, but Acnologia paid them no mind.

Something throbbed in Kai, in his chest, but he ignored it as he focused on his uncle.

"You have grown stronger," Acnologia said. "From an ant to a mouse. Yet still, it pales compared to the might of a dragon king."

"You're nothing more than a monster," Kai said. "You killed without thought, massacring an entire civilization."

"One that bathed in nothing but blood! What would you know of it, child? Just because you escaped my fury once, does not mean it will happen again. Tonight, you, and the rest of your guild, will die, and I will destroy E.N.D. That which not even the great Fire Dragon King could destroy."

Kai shuddered at the thought of that monster getting loose. Monster?

What the hell was this thing? They needed to get it back, but, to save it? Maybe turn it to their side? Kai still couldn't fathom helping Acnologia get the book.

"I can't let that happen," Kai said and raised his sword.

"And I cannot allow you to live."

"Looks like we're at an impasse."

"No. For I am unstoppable. I alone am the Dragon King!"

His body flashed blue and Kai braced to move, but he caught sight of a small blur in his peripheral that quickly slammed into him and knocked him aside just as Acnologia's Dragon Roar torched where he was.

Kai tumbled down and landed next to Iggy, who, through heavy pants said, "Made it."

"What are you doing?"

"I had to find you and make sure you wouldn't do something stupid!"

Acnologia burst into the air, letting out another great laugh. Kai tried to move but couldn't. That ebbing was back.

"What's wrong, are you hurt?" Iggy asked.

Kai tried to speak but couldn't, and only doubled over. Acnologia swooped around, aiming at the two of them. Kai remained locked in place from pain. He grasped at his stomach.

"Wh—what's happening?" Kai growled.

Kai. Let go. It's going to be okay.

He glanced around, the pain subsiding. "M—Mom?"

I'm sorry, Kai. I didn't think it would come to this...but we've been left with no choice!

Iggy stepped back as a great light flashed around Kai before an aura appeared and massive blue light pillared the sky, even forcing Acnologia off his path.

Kai roared, but it was not his own.

Something rose from the aura expanding around his body. The roar continued and the entire area around them completely froze over. Kai, at last, heard his own voice as he let loose a scream.

And at once, it ended, before the light exploded apart and a massive light-blue dragon soared into the skies above Kai, punching Acnologia with a massive talon.

"Impossible!" Acnologia shouted.

The blue dragon swirled around and maintained flight near Acnologia, who roared back at it.

"N—no way," Kai muttered.

There, flying in the skies above the ruins of the Plutogrim, was Kairi the Ice Dragon, in all her glory. She looked just the same as Kai remembered, if not angrier. She had brilliant blue scales that were not quite as visible in the poor light. Icy mists streamed off of her like a powerful aura.

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