Chapter 65 - Alvarrez Pt. 1

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Work on the guild hall began promptly after Natsu and Iggy's sparring match, and production came hard and fast. Every member essentially put it all on the line to help restore the guild hall to what it'd originally been.

Reedus drew up the design while Levy worked out the logistics of how to set it all up. Gajeel had some skill in design as well. Gray's creativity with his Maker magic helped out as well. Almost everyone remembered what it was meant to look like just from their own memory.

The primary builders were Levy, Erza, Gray, Juvia, Kai, Gajeel, Elfman, and Natsu. Kai, Gray, and Juvia were mostly there to put ice structures in place to make sure they had designs and dimensions down properly before the carpentry by some of the other members. Gajeel and Natsu worked—not together—to weld some pieces of metal into place to ensure the structural integrity of the guild hall. That left Erza and Elfman to do the majority of "picking things up and putting them down." Levy handled the actual building of everything.

Some of Lucy's spirits helped out, too. Taurus was great for moving multiple pieces of lumber around and Aries was able to provide comfort and support for everyone's aching muscles. Lucy herself partnered with Levy so her head wouldn't explode.

Levy, it seemed, took on the most out of everyone regarding labor. She, since she had the best ties to the Magic Council, handled the paperwork and logistics of getting Fairy Tail reinstated as a guild. Erza helped with that some, too, since, besides Mirajane, she was one of the most well-versed members of the guild. Macao helped with the aspects of the guild's history that the Tenrou group hadn't been around for, and gleamed when Levy had to list him as a former master.

Everything ran like clockwork and did so with incredible efficiency. Kai barely had any time to catch up with anyone outside of work, but since they spent the entire day together, it was basically like one big hangout.

Several of the guild members were a bit starved for cash, and unfortunately, nobody was able to take jobs until Levy could finalize the guild's status. People had to do other work within Magnolia, but several of the business owners were more than happy to pay the guild back after they'd poured so much into the town following their victory at the Grand Magic Games and Fairy Tail managing to hold off Tartaros, the greatest threat Fiore had seen since Fiore.

And in their eyes, apparently, it'd been Fairy Tail that warded off Acnologia. Kai didn't take part in many of those conversations, though it was also well-known now in the town that Kai was related to him, but not in a bad way.

The only member of Fairy Tail who, understandably, didn't do too much work was Iggy, who took five days to adjust to her body and her magic power. She ventured beyond Magnolia for a time, not yet ready to visit Blue Pegasus.

At midday on the fifth day, though, as everyone stood inside the almost-finished guild hall, Iggy did return. Kai was headed out.

"What, are we switching spots?" Iggy asked.

Kai shook his head. "Erza's all wrapped up in stuff right now, so this is the perfect time for, you know?"

He pointed at his left ring finger, and Iggy's face lit up. She nodded, then gestured for silence. Kai nodded and Iggy slipped back into the guild hall.

Kai left the gate of the guild, glancing back at the guild hall over his shoulder. Its appearance was remarkably the same, but something about it twinkled differently in his eye. Perhaps it was because he knew about all the different odds and ends of it with how he, Gray, and Juvia essentially made their own mockup version of it with their ice.

He started down the steps, a fine breeze carrying him down. He walked on his lonesome, despite some of the townsfolk hollering out at him.

Two women waited at the base of the steps for him: Lucy and Millianna. Both waved ecstatically at him and he nodded back at them, jogging the rest of the way down the steps.

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