Chapter 41 - Grand Magic Games Pt. 3

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Kai hobbled further away from where he landed to make sure he avoided Jellal's range. Erigor didn't pursue him, either. He at last came to a rest several yards and minutes away against a heavy tree, plopping to the ground and resting.

He only barely managed to slow his heart rate down. Jellal.



At Nirvana, Jellal both helped Natsu and Kai rescued him. Jellal had his memory back, and he apologized. He wanted to be redeemed. He turned himself in for valiant purposes.

What the hell was he doing with Erigor?

His hand fell to his blade and his side and he let out another long breath of air. Kai brushed the hair out of his face.

Worst of all was how he was on his own. Jellal had definitely gotten stronger over the last seven years; Kai could probably have competed with his level of strength before Tenrou, but now? It seemed almost insurmountable. He tightened the grip around his sword handle.

As he picked himself up, some branches cracked and leaves shuffled nearby. He drew his blade, sensing some magic.


A woman's voice. Kai turned in the direction of the village. A woman in a black and white unitard with a headband holding back long raven hair strode forward, followed by a smaller woman with pink hair. They both had hoods pulled over their heads. 

They both held their hands up in peace. Kai maintained his stance with his blade out.

"Who are you?"

The woman with raven hair took a trepidatious step forward. "You don't recognize us, Kai? You've already forgotten Meredy and myself?"

Kai hesitated. She'd matured, yes, but there was no mistaking who that woman was on closer inspection. Ultear Milkovich. 

"Grimoire Heart."

Ultear scoffed and shook her head. "That's history."

"Then what you are doing here?"

"The same as you. Helping out. Those Exceeds are in danger from Erigor and the other assassins. We want to stop them."

Kai leered, unyielding. Meredy took a careful step forward and Kai shifted his attention to her.

"I can show you that she's telling the truth," she said. "Remember? I can link your hearts and minds."

"Don't," Kai said. "I don't trust that you'll try something else. You're both with Grimoire Heart."

"Grimoire Heart died with Tenrou Island," Ultear said. "Zeref destroyed our airship, our master was obliterated. We're some of the only survivors and we don't associate with that old guild anymore."

"Then who are you with?"

"A new guild led by Jellal."

"Who probably blasted him over here," Meredy muttered.

Kai sucked in a breath but neither Ultear nor Meredy did anything to him still. They remained frozen in place. Kai had complete control over his body, not shaking or wavering in the slightest. But they maintained similar stances, both with their shoulders back and heads held high. Affirmed in their statements.

"Jellal was working with Erigor," Kai said. "Erigor said he was the one putting them together."

"Based on what you remember of Jellal seven years ago, does that make sense?"

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