Chapter 52 - Grand Magic Games Pt. 14

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The royal ballroom couldn't have been more lavish, yet also the exact thing that Kai expected out of the Fiore royal family after wandering through the castle a few days ago. It'd probably taken a few days just to set up all these incredible decorations.

All of Fairy Tail, and several other wizards who participated in the Grand Magic Games, had been cordially invited to celebrate both the end of the games and the Eclipse victory a few days following the massive battle.

Kai, in the intervening time, spent most of his time with Erza and Iggy, just to recuperate himself. He'd made sure to avoid contact with anyone outside the guild who may have any remarks for him. Nobody would bode him ill will, he hoped, but he just wasn't quite ready to see others.

He knew he couldn't convince Erza and Iggy not to have him tag along to the party once he got the invitation, and was indeed greeted warmly by the others.

Part of him hoped to find Crime Sorciere there as well. Cobra had been taken the night of the battle by Doranbolt and Lahar, naturally. Kai wished to admit to Lahar the great deeds that Crime Sorciere went to in order to prevent disaster. But, seeing him at the party, Kai couldn't help acknowledging that it would only lead to tension, as even if Lahar accepted Jellal didn't fight for evil, other guilds may not have the same impression.

Millianna still attended, sad that she didn't have a date. She walked in with Kai and Erza but was immediately distracted by some of the friends she'd made from Mermaid Heel. Erza let her go and was herself summoned by Kagura to see her. Kai wandered around alone for a bit while the Exceeds played in the skies above, now including Lector and Frosch, who had made up with the others after the battle of the Dragon Slayers.

Kai stood alone for maybe a few moments before being summoned by a suspicious man in a mask pulling him into a separate room. However, waiting for him there was Queen Hisui, aided at either side by two guards.

She sat in a small throne rather comfortably and tilted her head at Kai.

"I'm sorry for your loss," she said as a guard closed the door.

Kai didn't have his sword on him; not that he was concerned about fighting off three guards and Hisui.

"Thank you," he said.

"I'm sure you'll be frustrated with me for even asking this, but did you know of his alliance with Rogue at all?"

"No. And, don't worry, I'm not frustrated at all. I was asked that enough by my guildmates that I'm basically used to it."

"We've tried to keep things hush about your relationship." Hisui folded her hands. Much as the first time Kai saw her, Hisui embodied a true, if young, ruler. "So you'll avoid further confrontation about it. Needless to say, though, what he did will not be forgotten."

"I know."

Hisui sighed and shrugged. "But at least we learned our lesson not to trust time-travelers."

She giggled and Kai cracked a smile at that. "I'm sorry all this happened to you."

Hisui waved him off. "Yes, well, what matters is that we evacuated everyone. What's a bit of property damage to the cost of lives, right? In any event, a weapon too dangerous to be kept around has been destroyed. Thank goodness for that."

"I'm also sorry for spying on you that first night."

"I was curious about that."

"I wanted to know more about why Lucy had been kidnapped. I found out and more, but, it doesn't excuse what I did."

Hisui rose from her seat, the eyes of her guards following her as she approached Kai. "Nor does it excuse what I've done to you and your friends. Fairy Tail has the trust and backing of the kingdom. Your Magic Council may say things about you, but I've seen you all on the frontlines when it matters. You put everything out there." She held her hand out to Kai, but for a kiss, for a handshake. "And in some ways, you lost quite a bit."

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