Chapter 42 - Grand Magic Games Pt. 4

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Massive waves, far larger than normal, lapped upon the shores of the coast several miles from Akane Beach. Meredy had sensors lain on the area near where Kai had encased all of Fairy Tail's stuff to detect when they'd arrive. Ultear stood near Kai as he was bent over, bruises riddling his body. He was barely able to keep his eyes open.

Jellal stood out in the ocean, arms crossed, a golden aura lighting the nighttime for Kai. He lowered into his sprinting position.

"Again," he muttered.

Ultear's orb flashed above them and the waves got even larger and even stronger.

Kai dashed forward into the ocean without a signal.

"Ice Dragon Tundra!"

The ice coated everything, momentarily freezing even the heavy waves and ocean in place before the pulse of the ocean took over. Kai leaped off the glacier and landed on another one, sliding down the backside of a wave before another came to swallow him. He shot a trail of ice into the air and followed it as well, flipping over the tidal wave.

For a moment he floated in the air completely free of pain and inhibitions, able to see Jellal dead ahead. His target.

All he had to do was reach Jellal.

And he'd thought it'd be easy. Sure, he'd writhed in pain for about a day after unlocking his Second Origin, but the power gain he'd gotten was massive.

But Crime Sorciere was prepared to make sure the training Kai got was anything but easy.

"While we'll focus some on your magical abilities, that's already hit an area you can't even comprehend," Ultear had said after Kai's Second Origin unlocked a day ago.

"From our fights, I noticed that you would rely a lot on your physical skills," Jellal had said.

"Not to mention Master Hades wanted to make you a weapon," Meredy had said. "So it's probably best that we do that. Turn you into a martial arts master."

"That way when your magic does come to full realization for you, it'll flow quite naturally off your body," Ultear had said. "You're going to be pushed physically and mentally as far as we can get you in three months. You have no idea what's waiting for you in the Grand Magic Games, and we have no idea what sort of dark magic is waiting."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kai had asked, and while a small part of him wished he hadn't, that part of him that was suspended in the air, already feeling the effects of training, knew it would all be worth it.

Ultear's Orb of Time then flew into his sight and Kai started his descent. What he'd just done? That was the easy part.

The orb darted at Kai and then flicked away. He tried to instinctively dodge as well as land on one of his little islands of ice but it broke beneath his foot and he was forced off of it, exerting all of his strength to leap over the wave that would've swallowed him.

The orb cracked him in the back, hard, and winded him long enough for another wave to gobble him and fling him back ashore, where he sprawled, coated in a few bits of seaweed.

Kai punched the ground, his body begging him to stop.

And the image of Acnologia goading him on.

"We've got two and a half months still, Kai," Meredy said. "You don't need to push yourself this hard."

"I don't," he agreed. "But I will anyway."

Ultear grinned. "Typical Fairy Tail." Ultear's orb flashed red and the waves died down. Jellal walked across the water and joined them on the shore. "But that is enough for now. Any more and you'll be doing your body far more harm than good. We'll attempt this test once more without about a week until the Grand Magic Games. If you can pass that test, well..."

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