Chapter 29 - Edolas Pt. 5

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Kai had never considered the situation of being between a rock and a hard place, yet all at once the pain of thinking of himself in that situation exploded across his body. He wasn't entirely sure if the heat he was feeling was from Natsu or the island about to shatter his bones.

His vision went dark and all he saw was red, orange, and spots of black as he held his sport firm, a dull roar forming in his belly that he only uttered when he needed to remind himself that he was no mere human: he was a Dragon Slayer, who had been duped by a king that wanted all of their power. A monarch bent on killing innocent people just to transform them into his own energy source.

Erza, Gray, Lucy, Coco, and Gajeel jumped to help, alleviating about one percent of the strain.

"I really wish we had a Rock Dragon Slayer on our side to gobble this thing up!" Kai shouted, forcing a meek laugh out of Erza and Gajeel.

"We're about to get crushed!" Lucy shouted.

Kai glanced with bleary, crushed vision toward Erza, who held firm in her spot even as the ground gave way beneath her footing. Neither said anything, but there was no fear in her eyes. She didn't fear dying because she knew this was not their end.

"Natsu!" Kai shouted, turning toward the massive island. "I don't feel you pushing at all!"

"Oh yeah?" the Fire Dragon Slayer shouted. "We'll just see about that!"

Kai settled his feet, pushing forward with both his strength and his magic as another form flew into view, just next to Happy. A little, white cat.


"I'm going to save Extalia and Fairy Tail!" Carla exclaimed. "I will!"

"That's the spirit!" Gajeel growled.

Tingles shot up and down Kai's back. He turned as much as possible, and hundreds of lights filled the night sky.

"What the hell is that?" he wondered aloud.

"It's all of Extalia," Erza said. "Come to save themselves!"

"Not just them!"

As dozens of cats slammed into the island, a massive shadow leaped down overhead and wedged in between Gajeel and Erza.

Elfman Strauss shoved the rock forward. "We may not have any magic, but we won't just rely on you guys to save our necks!"

"You've already done plenty!" Macao jumped down next to Natsu as another slew of Exceeds appeared. "Now it's our turn to lend a hand!"

Wendy at last arrived carried by another Exceed next to Carla. She cried out for everyone as well.

Kai gritted his teeth. "That damn king thought he could take us all down? He has no idea what he's dealing with!"

"He doesn't know the power of Fairy Tail!" Natsu roared.

"Or Extalia!" Carla yelled.

"Show him what we're made of!" And Wendy, of all people, let out a massive roar.

"Aye, sir!" Happy shouted, and all the Exceed echoed it at once, a cacophonous blast as their strength surged forward, and, for a split second, Kai felt nothing.

No weight, no sensation of anything, he was just suspended in the air as the island lost its heated color and drifted away.

The moment passed and Kai swung his arms out, caught by a cat in the nick of time. The cat yanked him into the air and they all shot up. All of Fairy Tail and Extalia floated in the air above the now-empty island.

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