Chapter 72 - Alvarez Pt. 8

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Night came and went rather quickly, it seemed. The armies of Alvarez all set up camps and watches in the fields before Magnolia, no doubt waiting for the next rush of battle to begin. The rearrangement of space-time made Kai believe that a lot more time had passed, but instead, evening had just descended much quicker upon them.

Maybe an hour passed before there came a buzzing in Kai's ear, though the wince and aggravation everyone else felt told him that everyone else had a similar feeling.

"Listen to me, Fairy Tail!" It was a woman's voice, one Kai didn't recognize. "Mavis is in big trouble right now! We have to get back to the guild hall to save her!"

"Anyone know who this is?" Kai asked.

"Probably a Spriggan trap," Iggy said.

"What are you all talking about?" Ultear asked.

"A woman is speaking to the members of Fairy Tail," Wendy said. "But we don't know her."

"She has to be with Alvarez, then," Ultear said.

"Please, listen to me! We don't have much time! They're going to kill her!"

"Would a Spriggan know Mavis's first name?" Kai asked.

"Of course they would, Zeref would've said something," Iggy said.

Kai set his jaw. "She sounds genuine—"

"Hey! If you idiots don't start listening and getting back to the guild hall I'm gonna have to arrest all of you when I find you!" And that was Gajeel.

"Definitely didn't sound under duress to me," Kai muttered.

"No Spriggan would know how Gajeel talks," Carla said. "That has to be him."

"If that's the case then everyone will be converging on the guild hall pretty soon," Kai said. "We'll continue resting until we have more reinforcements.'

"We can attack now and loosen up the numbers."

"Or have every single one of the Spriggan Twelve, and Zeref, come bearing down on us," Kai said. "I don't think so. They're not hasty to move, so we should just stay calm back here as well."

Everyone ultimately nodded. Kai especially knew that they needed to keep Wendy as healthy and magically full as possible; her healing magic could prove absolutely pivotal later on.

Day broke fast as night faded and the wizards stood upon the hill before the vast battlefield. Kai kept his sword sheathed.

"Iggy, see if you can find anyone from a guild to protect Ultear," Kai said. "We need to get her to safety."

"I'm sorry I can no longer be of use," Ultear said. "At least, on the battlefield. I'll tactically help however I can."

"Perfect," Kai said.

Iggy nodded, then grasped Ultear and they flew back over the hill they way they'd arrived.

"And that leaves us," Carla said.

"I want to conserve as much magic as I can for when we get into Magnolia and face the Spriggan Twelve," Kai said. "Wendy, you should probably do the same."

"It may be frugal, then, for us to skip the battlefield entirely," Carla said.

Kai shook his head. "Maybe you guys can, but once others charge in, I'm following after them. With enough reinforcements we won't need to use nearly as much magic as is necessary."

"And what if the Spriggan Twelve are somehow hidden in this huge sea of soldiers?" Carla asked.

Kai shrugged. "Then we have no choice."

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