Chapter 57 - Tartaros Pt. 2

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Master Zero blasted away from Kai, a stream of blood following him from where Kai broke his nose. He flipped and caught himself in the air, still able to fly like he could in Nirvana, and unleashed yet another vicious laugh.

"Well, someone's a might bit stronger!" Zero raised his hand at Kai. "Or so it would seem."

Kai adjusted the stance of his blade, coated with ice magic. "Come and see if you can find out. Or, at least, try again."

Zero's hand flashed and several beams of the black-green light launched at Kai, who deflected both. Zero held one hand behind his back and nodded.

"You'll be sufficiently fun until I can get my hands on Jellal," Zero said. "So, let's see how we can destroy you once again, Dragon Slayer!"

Zero flew into the air and then flew down at Kai, who aimed his sword at Zero.

"Frozen Sword Formation: Tundra Third Layer!"

A three-layer magic circle appeared in front of the sword and a beam blasted at Zero. Zero swatted it aside and landed just in front of Kai, not nearly fast enough to dodge Kai's kick. Kai pursued. Zero slammed his foot down and tried to ram his shoulder into Kai who intercepted it with his shoulder, absorbing most of the blow.

The two's fists collided and a gust of wind blew out. Kai sneered and kicked out at Zero, giving him a bit more room before Zero launched several more attacks at him.

Kai deflected them with his blade. Zero's pace quickened, and a successive wave of magic launched at him.

"Gotcha! Dark Gravity!"

A sphere burst around Kai, one that he hadn't even noticed, and at once everything around him seemed to crunch down and he buckled down, hearing the bones in his body crack as he withstood the weight.

"Ah, look at that, you're able to stand!" Zero shouted. "You are a fun one! But you're also a nice target!"

Kai balled up a fist. Zero crossed his arms and then held them out in front of him.

"Dark Delete!"

Several orbs of dark magic spun around his arms before flying at Kai. A wall of ice shot up in front of the gravity boundary and blocked the attacks.

"Move, damn it," Kai grunted, shuffling back bit by bit. The gravity wasn't terrible, but the width of the area was quite large.

Kai snarled, gathering more of his power. Ice crept along his body. Zero laughed and launched the spell again.

Kai glowered at it. Wait a second...

Three orbs slammed into him and had enough force to knock him back, out of the gravity boundary.

Zero flew over and landed by Kai as he managed to get to his knees. He held both arms out.

"Too slow."

Master Zero obliterated the area with Darkness magic, destroying all traces of the area around him. Even Cobra, standing nearby, gasped.

"No way," the Poison Dragon Slayer muttered.

Zero grinned. "He was nothing. As I assume Jellal's allies are, though at least they're easy on the eyes. Maybe I'll—"

A foot slammed into Zero's head and sent him flying away. Kai adjusted, brushing off some dust and sighing. He'd only just gotten out of there with the help of an Ice-Make: Copy. Zero snarled and unleashed powerful waves of magic toward Kai, who sprinted forward.

"No more games," Kai said, punching Zero hard across the face, forcing him right into the ground. Kai flipped over, holding his sword over his head, then aimed it down at Zero. "Ice Make Twister!"

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