Chapter 45 - Grand Magic Games Pt. 7

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The crowd rained their jeers down on Kai all the way until he stood but ten feet from Bacchus, who lounged about in a beach pose. He sneered at Kai, who remained stoic.

"So, you're one of them Dragon Slayers, right? Thought I was going to have to wait until I got my fair shot at Sting and Rogue to take on one of you."

"Glad I could accommodate earlier than you'd anticipated."

Bacchus grunted. "Guess it'll be just a little bit of a warmup, then."

"Maybe. Or maybe you'll learn to respect your opponent."

That got Bacchus to sit up, though not necessarily pay any attention to Kai at all. "I saw those three Dragon Slayers earlier. Couldn't even ride a train. Y'all can't even use your own damn two feet and you think you can take me on?"

"This isn't a train. This is a fight."

"One I'm going to win. So, let's put a wager on it, shall we?"

"I don't do bets."

"Not even where they're concerned with Erza?"

The crowd hushed, probably able to hear everything going on in the arena thanks to the multitude of lacrimas around them. Kai remained standing still, despite the huge fire burning inside him begging him to just slug Bacchus across the face.

Instead, Kai removed his sword and slammed it into the ground. Bacchus leered up at Kai.

"Get up."

"I won't until we've got a bet."

"How about I wager my blood for yours?"


Before Bacchus could question what Kai said, a massive glacier appeared in front of him and forced him back, onto his feet. Kai glowered across the way at Bacchus, who howled a mad laugh.

"Alright then! Got my attention now, ice pick."

Kai lowered his stance, one he'd learned himself three months ago. "Come on, then."

The crowd remained hushed, probably disbelieving that Kai was being so bold. No weapon? No other magic? Bacchus couldn't have grinned wider. He had Kai right where he wanted him.

According to Erza, Bacchus specialized in Palm Magic, capable of focusing his magic energy into his palms right at the point of attack. Thus, Bacchus became quite the martial arts master, particularly of the Chop Hanging Palm art, and more lethally, the Drunken Chop Hanging Palm. That gourd at his side was probably filled with some strong stuff.

The drunker he got, the more dangerous, essentially.

Bacchus sprinted toward Kai, then slowed up, lowering his stance without much of a care before he launched two strikes at Kai, both of which Kai not only dodged but managed to knock Bacchus back with an attack of his own.

Bacchus struck with his palm, an attack Kai danced around with grace as if it were nothing. Kai chopped Bacchus's side and then used Bacchus's own technique against him, summoning power into his arm and unleashing it, with a spray of icy mist. Bacchus slid back.

"The hell?"

"Come." Kai gestured with his palm.

Bacchus obliged, once more advancing on Kai. The announcer and commentator above went absolutely ballistic that Kai not only stood toe-to-toe with Bacchus, but gracefully maneuvered through his attacks.

The martial arts master unleashed a barrage of blows toward Kai, who dodged through them with trained ease, even at one point taunting Bacchus by closing his eyes and still avoiding the attacks. Bacchus backed away, as did Kai, allowing the dust to settle.

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