Chapter 33 - Tenrou Island Pt. 3

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Kai couldn't deny it. The memories that simmered in the back of his mind surged forward, and he recognized that face. He'd been young, maybe an infant, when last he saw his father. But that was the same man, if not a bit more burly, a bit stronger.

"How?" Kai asked.

"Well, won't give you all those details," Ichigo said with a wry smirk. "I think you're asking more how am I here, how'd I find you?"

Kai nodded, slowly. He remembered his mother, too, but even more vaguely. He had no memory of Ichigo and Kairi together, though.

"Like I said, I came here when I knew Zeref was here," Ichigo said. "But I'd caught wind that Fairy Tail would be coming here as well. It's not hard for me to get across large bodies of water, believe it or not. I just had to hold out hope you were here, and when I saw you running around, I had to get your attention somehow. Just to see you again." Ichigo rested his hands on his hips. "And to see how much you've grown! Wow! A guild wizard! It's incredible."

Kai stood at a loss for words. His father...returned after years.

"Mom?" he asked.

Ichigo pursed his lips. "You don't remember, then." Kai shook his head and Ichigo let out a long sigh. "I should've known, you were oh so young when it all happened and we met Kairi. There was a blizzard, Kai, a nasty one. It took out our entire village, and killed almost everyone. Only two people survived."

"You and mom?"

"Me and you. Your mother died, froze to death protecting you. I didn't think I had much of a chance to save you. Hell, I thought I was done for as well. I could barely move. Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep.

"Then, Kairi came. Turns out it'd been another ice dragon not that fond of humans who summoned the blizzard, and she was too late to save the humans she cared for. I didn't even have the strength to ask for help, she just jumped in and did so, granting you Dragon Slayer magic to help your body contend with the cold. She took you away to train you. I saw you a few days later to make sure you were okay then I...I had to go."

"What happened? How did you get better?"

Ichigo rubbed his head and just chuckled. "Now that is a bit complicated. Let's just say it involves a fair bit of magic you wouldn't want to get yourself involved in."

"Magic that Zeref knows about?"

"Looks like Kairi made you a smart one."

"I haven't seen Kairi in years. She vanished in the year 777."

Ichigo's gaze went a bit distant. "777. She did indeed...Guess she thought you'd be okay with your training, eh?"

"I've picked up a few things on my own."

More sounds of battle broke out over the island, catching Kai's attention. Ichigo did not seem all that bothered by it all. He had an unwavering, content gaze cemented on his face.

"You really care for these people, don't you?"

"They're my family. I have to protect them."

"Grimoire Heart is no joke. Their Master, Hades, is a crackpot old fool. Can't believe he was once Fairy Tail's Guild Master."

Kai's heart sank. "What?"

"Before your current master, yes. Precht was his name. A resourceful wizard, always striving to know more. Reminds me a lot of Zeref."

"It's unsettling how well you know Zeref." Kai realized he was easing up on his offensive stance, then shifted to hold firm. "How?"

Ichigo waved him off. "Trust me, it's a whole thing you don't need to worry about."

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