Chapter 77 - Alvarez Pt. 13

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Acnologia curled his hand into a fist and then released the tension, the pressure around the area slightly relieving as well.

"It's not every day you're treated to so much magic power at once," he said. "First the Dragon Queen, then a Dragon Slayer, and now this one."

"My name is Jellal." The man put his hands into a formation. "Maybe after today, I'll be known as a Dragon Slayer, too."

"Don't even bother," Kai muttered, stepping up next to Jellal. "Throw as much magic as you want at him, he'll gobble it up."

"I absorb all magic," Acnologia said. "If you didn't catch me off-guard I'm sure those couple of attacks you performed on me would be quite the treat."

"We have to defeat him physically," Kai said.

"I can increase our speed," Jellal said.

Kai summoned his sword into his hand. "That's something, at least."

"Maybe you can increase your speed enough to catch me when I'm putting in some effort," Acnologia said. "Perhaps that will present a challenge. And what was that I heard? One of the other Dragon Slayers is returning?"

"Wendy's Enchantments will help, we should wait for her," Jellal said.

"No time," Kai said. "We have to engage him now."

Jellal looked Kai up and down. "Like that? Kai, you can't stand for much longer in this fight."

"Hardly matters, as long as I'm between Acnologia and Erza."

Then, he sucked in more of the Ice Magic from the sword. Jellal grimaced and nodded.

Acnologia closed his fist and the entire area tightened in magic power again.

"Not for long," he said and surged magic toward the two of them, who both dodged out of the way.

"Meteor!" Jellal cast, and a golden light bathed around him.

He shot at Acnologia, who still saw the attack coming. Kai sprinted toward Acnologia, who dodged Jellal's attack then swirled around to face Kai, who swung his sword down.

Acnologia blocked Kai's arm and almost blasted Kai point-blank with a Dragon Roar that Jellal forced him out of with a swift kick.

"Faster than I anticipated!" Acnologia jeered.

Kai grimaced, sliding to a halt. Jellal had massively increased his magic power in order to boost his speed, and it was already clear how much of a toll this would take on him.

Jellal whipped around and kicked Acnologia in the chest, but Acnologia caught his leg and absorbed some of the aura surrounding Jellal. Jellal panicked but couldn't break free as Acnologia grabbed on tight.

Kai made his move, hoping for something like this. He hated thinking of Jellal as some sort of bait but also knew that Acnologia would be attracted to that high amount of magical output.

Kai stabbed down at Acnologia, shredding the blade against his ribs and spewing blood. Acnologia roared and slammed his head into Kai's sending him stumbling back with stars flooding his vision.

Jellal broke free and managed to punch Acnologia hard across the face and even send him flying across the field.

Kai dropped back to the ground, unable to keep to his feet. He stabbed his sword in the ground trying to maintain his balance.

"How dare you draw my blood?" Acnologia seethed, and a black aura burst around him, with blue bits of lightning crackling around him.

Kai smiled despite the throbbing in his head. Jellal blitzed over and helped him to his feet.

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