The Pull

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Soul tied.

What is a soul tie? You may ask.

A soul tie is an intense spiritual connection between two people.

Recognizing someone immediately upon meeting them, shows that the powerful connection held between two souls, was there the whole time. You just don't know it yet.

Until you meet them.

Or in this case, they felt it before they met.

Throughout Neteyams life, he had struggled with many demons, inside and out.

The many scars littering his body, each hold its own tale.

Some came in return of protecting his siblings, the hidden ones came from his own two hands, but most of them came from a very traumatic event when he was 14.

Previously the next Omatikayan Olo'eyktan, the expectations of a leader was always pushed on him, back home in the forest.

Constantly putting everyone before himself no matter the cost. Even when it could mean his own death.

Neteyam wasn't afraid of death, he knew war very well. He was born into it.

His whole life he had to accept that one day when the time came, Eywa would come greet him, and take him with her to a place where he didn't have to worry, he didn't have to be strong, he didn't have to suffer anymore.

He is a great warrior. The best archer in his clan. Even outdoing the adult warriors.

Something that he is praised upon, by many Chiefs and Tsahiks.

On the battlefield he is referred to as 'The Last Shadow'. By the age of 14, he was known by every single navi on Pandora

Neteyam never killed just because he had the skills to do so.

He always did it to protect his clan and his family.

Neteyam hated death, he hated the smell, he hated the look of it too.

To him, killing was worth the pain it caused on himself, if it meant saving the people he loved and cared for.

For as long as he could remember, he had felt a great force pulling him in an unknown direction. The feeling bothered him constantly.

Tugging and pulling every inch of his body.

It felt like his soul was trying to find something, or possibly someone.

The only way to get rid of the feeling, was when he would fly his Ikran.

High in the sky, the air soaring through his hair, distracting him from his clouded mind.

That was until he and his family fled their home to escape the growing war, seeking uturu (sanctuary) in a far away sea clan, the Metkayina of Awa'atlu.

Upon their arrival, the pulling felt stronger than it ever had been. The greetings had been made, and the chiefs children were introduced.

As soon as he made eye contact with the son, the pulling feeling stopped.

Vanished into thin air you could say.

Throughout Aonungs life, he too had demons he battled alone, that he hid behind a seemingly happy face and caring attitude.

He always put others before himself, especially his sister Tsireya, basically raising her himself, protecting her from harm.

He taught her everything she knows and more.

He was the next Olo'eyktan of Awa'atlu. His father had started training him from the moment he could walk.

Pushing everything onto him, with no more room to spare.

Aonung is a very skilled hunter in the sea, immensely praised by the clan.

He was not a warrior yet, although he feels like one, and had the duty's of one, but his title remained 'the chiefs son' or 'the heir'.

For as long as he could remember, he felt a great force, pulling him in an unknown direction.

The feeling bothered him endlessly, it was like his soul was trying to find something it longed for, or perhaps someone.

The only way the pull felt at ease, was when he swam, deep in the ocean.

It's warm waters holding his body tightly.

That was until the great Toruk Makto, 'The Last Shadow' and the rest of their family arrived at his home, running away from war, seeking uturu.

The pull felt stronger than it ever had been. The greetings had been made, and his father introduced him and his sister.

When his own name was spoken, he looked up, his eyes landing onto a set of big yellow eyes.

In that moment, the pulling feeling stopped.

Vanished into thin air you could say.

732 words
Hope you like the start of this story. I've written over half of it already, so there will be regular updates.
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