Flinch Day

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A couple months later, the boys are walking along the beach after breakfast, heading to their training.

They heard laughter ahead of them, and spotted a group of teenage boys walking not too far in front, heading their way.

Aonung recognized the boys.

"Those are some of my old friends" he said turning to Neteyam.

"Oh we should say hi then" Neteyam replied.

The two continued walking towards them.

One of the boys noticed them, nudging his arm into another boy, before pointing in the direction of Aonung and Neteyam.

"Yo Aonung, how you been man?" The boys asked walking up to them and shaking Aonungs hand.

"Not to bad, how have you guys been?" Aonung asked.

"Yeah alright, we havnt seen much of you these days" another boy replied.

"I've been busy" Aonung replied.

"Who's your friend?" one boy asked

"This is Neteyam. Neteyam this is Illian" he said pointing to the tallest boy "Te'ang" (tea-ang) the slightly shorter boy, "and Ne'ar" (knee-are) the tall muscular boy with tattoos.

"Nice to meet you guys" Neteyam replied kindly.

"The pleasure is ours, any friend of Aonungs, is a friend of ours" Te'ang said smiling

Aonung cringed at Te'ang calling Neteyam a friend.

"You guys wanna come hunting with us?" Ne'ar asked.

"Sure" Neteyam said, turning to Aonung

Aonung looked at Neteyam smiling slightly

"Yeah why not" He said

"Alright, the boys are back together!" Illian yelled
hi-fouring Te'ang.

Neteyam flinched slightly at his raised voice, but shrugged it off quickly.

"Meet back here in 10 minutes with your weapons" Te'ang said, before turning around, the boys following him.

Aonung and Neteyam headed back to their mauris to grab their spears.

"Are you exited Nung?" Neteyam asked

"Yeah, I havnt hang out with them in ages" Aonung said "And I get to bring you along with me" he added nudging into Neteyams side.

The two laughed.

They grabbed their spears and headed back to the spot they were meeting the others.

When they got there, Neteyams eyes grew wide, and so did Aonungs.

The other boys brought their crossbows.

Aonung and Neteyam glanced at each other worryingly.

They both knew what was going to happen.

Soul Tied [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now