Underwater Cave

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One bright and hot day a month later, the group are all sat on the beach, talking randomly about their days.

They got bored quickly, and all sat in silence.

Tsireyas eyes lingered on the ocean, watching the ilu play around freely in the water.

Then she had an idea.

"I have an idea on what we could do today" she said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"What's that Reya?" Kiri asks

"Nung, Ro, do you guys remember our cave?" She asked turning to her brother and bestfriend.

"Yeah" Aonung and Rotxo said at the same time.

"We should go there again, and take them" Tsireya said, suddenly bursting with excitement "You guys will absolutely love it" she added

"Hell yeah, we should totally go" Loak squealed

"Sure, why not" Kiri replied

"What do you think" Aonung asked, directing the question to Neteyam, who is staring at him.

"Teyam" Aonung said smiling as he waves his hand in front of the boys eyes.

"Huh, what?" Neteyam stuttered, coming out of his zone.

Aonung lets a small giggle escape his lips.

"What do you think?" He asked again "about going to the cave" he added

"Uh yeah sure" Neteyam said, blinking rapidly out of embarrassment.

The six of them get up and head to the water, calling their ilu.

"Just follow us" Rotxo said before he instructed his ilu to go under.

They followed the boy a short distance away, resurfacing next to a rock.

"It's just down there" Tsireya said getting off her ilu.

The others followed her movements.

"Now you three, shut your eyes, we will guid you down"she says, nudging the boys to their usual partners.

Aonung came in front of Neteyam, smiling wildly. He leaned his head down, until his lips grazed Neteyams ear.

"Shut your eyes my love" he whispered, his voice deep and seductive.

Neteyam shuddered at his voice, before shutting his eyes.

"Ready guys?" Tsireya asked

"Ready" they all repeated

Tsireya began her swim down, guiding Loak with her.

The others behind them.

The three Sullys eyes still shut as they resurfaced out of the water.

Their partners helped them climb up what felt like a rock, before telling them to open their eyes.

The second Neteyam opened his eyes, his lips parted slightly. Eye flickering in every direction at the beauty that sat in front of him.

Soul Tied [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now