Chapter 5

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* Taehyung came back from the hospital at 8 : 30 pm... Entering into the mansion,, he was met with the worried faces of him family members...

Hobi and namjoon also returned from Ilsan.... Hobi was looking very restless.... *

-- What's wrong?? Why are you all looking so tense ??

-- bun isn't opening his door.... From the time he returned after meeting mingyu,, he locked himself in the room....

-- didn't you call him woo uncle ??

-- i did several times ... He told me that he wanna sleep for some time ... But i know my son,,,he never sleeps at this time and his voice was sounding like he was crying....

* Taehyung mentally scolded himself once again for not checking on the elder before *

-- does he knows that hobi uncle is back ??

-- he knows tae ,,, i went to meet him... Also knocked on his door , but he didn't open,,, not even when i said i bought 5 cans of banana milk for him...

* Hobi said sadly.... They all were very upset... Jungkook never in his life locked his door like this....

Jungkook shares almost everything with his parents... But today he didn't shared the whole cafe incident with anyone....

Eunhope being the whipped and most loving parents was worried sick thinking that their baby was crying... *

-- This is enough,,, i can't sit here anymore.... I am going to bunny's room.... I won't come back before he opened the door...

* Saying this,,, yoongi got up from the couch and was ready to go but taehyung stopped him.. *

-- hyung stay here... You don't have to go.... I am going....

-- you ??

-- me so what?? Why are you all looking at me like you saw something unparallel????

-- * cough * umm... Nothing like that tae... It's just you are caring about kook... Don't take me wrong,, i aren't saying that you don't care.. what i mean to say is ----

-- cut it hyung... No need for explanation....

-- okay then,,,, tae go but don't you dare shout on him or scold him....

* Jin said in a warning tone.. *

-- don't worry papa,,, i promise , i won't....

* Taehyung left to jungkook's room....

Jungkook was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.... He was still feeling very much upset... His papa - dada is worried for him,, he knows that but he doesn't want to make them more worried showing his red swollen eyes and nose due to crying so much....

He called Mingyu but his phone was switched off... He just wants to go and see his best friend... But he doesn't want to come out cause he isn't ready to tell his parents anything...

If their family members got to know about taehyung's doings towards mingyu,, they will be very disappointed,,, specially Namjin... So he doesn't want to let them know....

Jungkook was lost in his thoughts... He was brought back to the reality by the knock on his door.... *

-- mummy please trust me I'm okay... I will come outside later... Please pretty give some time....

* Jungkook blabbered thinking Eunwoo has again come to call him... But he stilled on his place when he heard Tae's voice... *

-- it's me jungkook,,, open the door....

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