Chapter 1: A Favor to The Boss

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Holly pulled at the ugly pink smock, she still wasn't used to the uniform for her job even after three months. Three months of work that reminded her of the Dursleys in a way that was much more annoying than it was terrifying. The only reason she didn't quit this job was really because it was the only one she could get in the muggle world. As it turned out having to stop a muggle education at age 11 did not qualify her for much more than being a cleaning lady.

It wasn't even bad work. She worked for a reputable company based in New York City. They were hired by companies who needed buildings cleaned by people who had spotless backgrounds and some kind of security clearance. Which, at the very least, made the work interesting. She helped clean government buildings, research and development departments, and CEO offices. All of her coworkers had gone through rigorous background checks and everyone was randomly tested to make sure they weren't taking anything they weren't supposed to.

To make sure that no one stole any classified stock information, the cleaning crew was paid very very well. Much better than any other job of a similar type would dream of paying. Holly didn't necessarily need the money, she had plenty of it in Gringotts, but there was something satisfying about living on money she earned rather than money she'd inherited. The pay was enough to cover her tiny apartment in New York that was way more expensive than it had to be as well as all of her other expenses. She wasn't able to eat out every night but magic made cooking rather easy anyway.

In all within three months she'd grown used to the work and the lifestyle she'd set up for herself in the muggle world. One might ask why Holly Potter of all people was working as a cleaning lady. She'd been offered lucrative positions all over the world. She could have been an auror for the British, on the wizengamot, hell she could have even just sat on her laurels and been praised for the rest of her life. After nearly 10 years of dedicated service to the wizarding world she could have been anything she wanted.

That was the problem, the 28 year old witch didn't know what she wanted. Her entire childhood and adolescence had been shaped by Voldemort and the war. If Dumbledore's plan had gone through completely she would have died at the end of the war and it wouldn't have mattered what career aspirations she had. But it hadn't. When the war ended when she was 17, Holly did the only thing she knew how to do. She kept fighting.

She and her friends started capturing Death Eaters, rebuilding Hogwarts, and reclaiming the corrupt ministry. Holly made it her life mission to remove the taint of Voldemort from the world. She had all of her friends from the DA to help at first but as the years went on many of them gotten married and settled down. She didn't begrudge them that. Ron and Hermione stuck with her the longest but eventually the siren call of domesticity pulled them away.

The wedding had been beautiful. Traveling to the United States right after to start Death Eater hunting there by herself had been less so. But she managed. She got really really good at it. By the time she was done the British Ministry had been completely cleaned up and dozens of laws rewritten to ensure corruption didn't return so easily. All Death Eaters were convicted and punished depending on the severity of their crimes. She did all of this and the world loved her for it.

But now that it was done she didn't know what she was meant to do. She had no passions other than quidditch to speak of. Playing professionally was out of the question. She didn't want to get on a team because of her fame and she didn't want to increase her fame by adding professional seeker to her long list of accomplishments. She'd considered teaching, she knew if she applied Hogwarts would take her on in a heartbeat for the defense position. There would be a certain delicious irony if she got the job that Voldemort never managed too.

But she didn't feel ready to teach. Of course, she knew the stuff front and back. Yet there was still a question of having life experience outside of a war. Holly only knew magic that was useful in fighting Death Eaters and cleaning out corrupt governments. Did she really want to live out the rest of her life surrounding by just that? Wasn't there more to life? Was there more?

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora