Chapter 57: Loki and Sif

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Jane Foster is possessed by something Loki fears is another infinity stone. He, Thor, and Holly leave to take her to Asgard to try and save her life, while the rest stay on earth to protect it. Of course Sif and Company go with them, which makes an already disliked situation oh so much worse.

Loki had not expected to be back in Asgard so soon.

He had, in fact, hoped that he wouldn't need to come back to this place for another century at the minimum. It was obvious that Odin would need at least 10 centuries more before he would be over his crushing defeat at the hands of Holly. He was even less pleased that Frigga had told them about Hela and that they'd broken his decree and visited her in her banishment. In all, that cocktail of situations had created an ornery and abrasive Odin that no one wanted to be around. He began to suspect that Sif and the Warriors Three had gone to earth both to be with Thor but to get away from the All-Father.

The people were happy though. The Lords and Ladies of the land had fought and argued for many things after the changeover in the government and things were looking up for a majority of their people, especially those in the colonies far from the royal city. They were more than happy to welcome Holly back and by extension Loki. It was strange, he could walk through the streets of the royal city and people would smile at him in a way they never had before.

It made him feel itchy.

He didn't like that.

Hopefully they wouldn't be there long. Either they would figure out how to remove the thing that had invaded Dr. Foster's body, or she would die from it within a few days. Of course, he didn't want her to die but it did put a nice little time limit on how long he was expected to remain here and pretend to be civil. Loki himself was in the Royal Library. Holly had sent him there to begin researching for anything that could explain what was going on with the Yggdrasil and with Jane. Holly was with the healers trying her best to help stabilize Jane while Thor spoke with Frigga about what they knew.

In all he was glad to have been given a task away from the rest of Asgard.

It allowed him to focus on more important matters.

Not that Jane Foster and the potential infinity stone inside her wasn't important. But Loki was more concerned with Holly herself. She'd been terribly off in the days that followed Dursley's visit. She kept saying that he had only apologized and that was all. But that didn't make sense. An apology wouldn't have left Holly teetering on the edge of a break down for days after would it? Not unless it was a stupid and manipulative cruel one, which Holly insisted it wasn't.

A good apology was meant to make one feel better.

Which meant since Holly wasn't feeling better then the apology had been a bad one. He just wanted Holly to talk to him, or to anyone at all really. He could comfort her and then go out and punch her cousin in the face or something. But Holly didn't seem willing to talk about it. They had of course called Ron and Hermione after Dursley's visit and Ron had offered them this advice.

"Treat her like a feral cat." He said. "She wants help, but she doesn't know how to accept it. Be slow, be gentle, and offer a lot of encouragement."

They might not have followed his advice very well Loki could admit. Instead of gentle they'd all decided to be quite forceful and instead of slow they'd decided to all begin at once. Perhaps they deserved her glowers.

Still. Loki thought he might have been close. She looked ready to share before Jarvis had interrupted and they'd had to go save Jane Foster from the portals that had started opening up. It had been quite frightful to see the Yggdrasil just opening up portals randomly like that. He'd been able to find Jane and pull her back but not before she'd been infested by something. And now Loki was stuck in a situation where the universe was literally shifting around in a way it never had in his 2000 years of life and Holly was grabbing onto that as hard as she could to avoid talking about her feelings.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz