Chapter 74: The Fight for the Universe

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It's the fight. The fight! Thanos is here and we finally get to see what Holly and Loki's plan is!


guys! guys! We just went past 300k hits! can you believe it!
Here are 9.3k words to celebrate.

The last warning, they had was the tides.

The tides all around the globe were out of sync, they went higher and were longer than ever were before, happening at strange times as Thanos and his massive ship neared their pretty blue marble of a world. Everyone could feel that something was coming, as if there was a force pulling and pushing on their very skin, or in some cases on their circuits.

On the final day they saw the highest frequency of people coming to Death Valley. Jarvis had been tasked with taking note of everyone who came to join them, their name and where they were from. This was done partially so that their forces could be spread out equally and also because no one was under the impression that there weren't going to be deaths on their side. Someone would need to identify the bodies and Jarvis had volunteered to do this task.

He just hoped it would be no one he knew.

Either way on that final day people poured into the valley. Witches and Wizards from all walks of life felt the danger in the air, even the ones who had been against revealing themselves had come to their senses the closer Thanos drew. Their magic warning him of the evil, of the destruction he would bring. There were tens of thousands of magic users in the valley, any able bodied adult magic user who knew how to fight was there it seemed. They came from all over the world, there were groups from China dressed like monks and others from South America who were far too comfortable in the heat. There were even wizards and witches from the native tribes who had called this area home for centuries. They came to defend their lands, to preserve the world and their people with everything they had. There was a sense of comradery between the varying nations, despite the culture and language barriers. The magic users knew Holly, she had spent the last decade traveling the entire globe slowly ridding the world of Voldemort's taint. They had also long read of and spoken of Loki. Together that united them under one banner; a banner for freedom, for life, for good.

Many magic users were also gathering at major cities ready to fight and defend their homes if Thanos decided to split his forces and invade on multiple fronts. A threat Gamora and Nebula had deemed very likely indeed. They were setting up wards and strengthening what was already there. They were even reaching out to the muggle military forces to help augment the defenses that already existed. Already there were reports coming in of muggles spotting magic users and wondering what was going on. Nobody did anything to quell the rumors. There wasn't time and that wasn't the point.

Those who weren't trained in fighting came to add their strength anyway. There were healers standing by setting up a healing hall in the visitors center that would be able to care for an almost limitless number of wounded. There were enchanters and charmists and potion masters all coming to give what they could.

It felt as if something great was shifting on its axis. Hogwarts spoke of it, telling him how the world had been when she was young, when the world had been whole. She told him of all the cultures she'd only heard whispers of that had been painfully cut in half because of the hatred towards magic users that had come from Europe. Jarvis had taught her about the muggle concept of Colonialism and she had pounced on it to explain the loss she had felt when Loki had had to create the statute of secrecy.

It had been necessary, at least it had felt so at the time. There was so much at risk, so much magical knowledge, so many traditions and beliefs being snuffed and burnt out, violently year by year. Hogwarts, settled in Scotland as she was, had still been able to extend her senses out some, along the lei lines and feel the loss as more and more was destroyed. She had heard the whispers from the teachers in her halls. Some of the children she'd watched grow had been victims of it themselves and she had only been a part of a small fraction of the world then. Still, she had known.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now