Chapter 23: Professor Malfoy

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The Avengers relax in Hogwart's Guest Suite while Holly gets to work welcoming Rose into the world. Natasha and Holly take a trip down to the dungeons.

Once Holly and Loki had returned sans baby, Holly had ushered them all up to some guest rooms. She told them not to worry about being welcome. She assured them, without having asked for permission from the headmistress, that she was sure the Avengers were welcome. The guest rooms turned out to be a whole section of the castle that had small rooms with a comfortable bed and a bedside table. There was also two bathrooms as well as a common area for relaxation.

"I've got so much to do now that the baby is here." Holly said. "But please, feel free to rest and relax. If you need anything ring this bell and a House Elf will appear."

"What is a House Elf?" Bruce asked.

"They're small creatures, historically they've been essentially slaves to wizarding kind but over the past decade their position in society has improved dramatically. Think of them as the cleaning staff and cooks of the castle." Holly said. "They're very nice I promise. Just tell them what you need and they'll be happy to bring it."

"And where are you going?" Steve asked.

"I have to go let Hermione's parents know that their grandchild has been born and bring them to the castle. I also have to drop by Ron's parents to get the message out to all of his family. Then I need to pop over to the Ministry and get the documents together to properly announce the baby's birth." Holly said. "I have errands and it's my job as godmother to do them all, just like standing guard last night was."

"When will you be returning?" Loki asked politely.

"Oh definitely by dinner but probably sooner." She said. "Just...stay in the guest rooms alright? The castle's floorplan is ever-changing. You all could get seriously lost or hurt on your own."

"This is a school isn't it? Shouldn't it be safe to be in?"

Holly only smiled at Tony's question and left them. It was easy enough to do as they'd been asked and rest. They had been up for nearly 24 hours at that point anyway. Natasha had long ago trained herself to sleep at anytime and in any place. One never knew when one wouldn't have the safety to sleep so it was better to take it when you could. The only ones who didn't rest were Loki and Tony. Loki because he declared he knew the castle forwards and backwards and was going to explore it. Tony because he was trying to hype Jarvis up for his 'date' with the castle.

When Loki came back it was with a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. Natasha, quite wisely, decided she didn't want to know. Unfortunately not all of her teammates were so smart. Thor asked what Loki had done and Loki had snarled at Thor, immediately on the defensive. It seemed that the argument that had been waiting in the wings between the two brothers was breaking free now that Holly wasn't there to keep the peace.

"I didn't mean to imply that..."

"You've always thought the worst of me!"

Clint settled down next to Natasha and lifted up a bowl that was somehow, magically, filled with buttery popcorn. Tony picked up the portable Jarvis and scurried towards his bedroom, clutching his AI protectively to his chest. Steve put down his sketch pad and Bruce lowered his book. All of them watched as the two Asgardians tore into each other. Bringing up century old wounds and brandishing them like particularly sharp daggers at each other.

Natasha took a handful of popcorn and leaned back as Thor waved his hammer around a bit too close for comfort.

"So." Clint whispered. "How long until one of them stabs the other?"

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now