Chapter 42: The Beach Episode Part 1

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Holly said the word vacation and Tony heard the words 'please force all of the Avengers to an undisclosed location in the Caribbean where they will be forcibly cut off from society and handed mimosas to drink against their will'.

Holly stood in front of the full-length mirror. She was standing in perhaps the most luxurious bathroom ever conceived of by man. The floors were made of marble and the lights were a warm yellow, giving everything in the room a goldish tint. To her left was a large ornate bathtub that was surrounded on three sides by wide windows. The windows looked out onto a crystal blue sea and a beautiful white beach. The entire bathroom screamed wealth and excess.

Tony had taken her suggestion for a vacation very seriously and the next thing she'd known Tony had forced all of them into his private jet and flown them to an island in the Caribbean. The island was a well-kept billionaire secret apparently. It had a hotel of luxury rooms and was only available for rent by the most elite of elite. Tony had bought out the entire island and then shoved them all into their own rooms, telling them that they were here for the next week come hell or high water.

Two weeks ago she'd been stuck in Jontunheim, dying of the cold. Her godson was in the middle of taking his first set of finals as a Hogwarts student. Hagrid was getting ready to visit his girlfriend in France. Ron and Hermione were carrying around a two week old infant that had already seen more danger than any child should. Natasha was working with Jarvis to find her parents' address. Clint's daughter was becoming a potions expert. Bruce had made great breakthroughs in Lycanthropy research. Tony was getting ready to try to create his first magically powered cellphone. McGonagall had sent a message wondering when over the summer they could install the internet server into Hogwarts.

Things were changing so fast. Too fast it felt like. Holly barely even recognized it as the world she'd known her whole life. And what was worse? She barely recognized herself.   

Which is how Holly found herself studying her appearance for the first time without any sort of audience since she'd woken up in that cryo-chamber. She was wearing a swimsuit, Steve had suggested they go to the beach, and most everyone had agreed.

Holly had gone to change and found herself still struck dumb by the sight of her new form.

All of her scars were gone. Every single one of them. Her skin was paler, like moonlight. Any tan she might have accumulated over her years wiped away. She had just a hint of pinks and blues beneath her skin to look human but only just. From far away it was difficult to tell but close up you could tell she was something other. Her skin was too perfect, too smooth, too pale. The only 'blemish' on her skin if it could even be called that at all were the freckles.

They were scattered across her skin, like bits of glitter. They glinted like stars, even in the dark. The 'freckles' were mostly unnoticeable unless she was using magic, which caused them glow even brighter and brighter. The stars also seemed to react to her emotions, shining or sparkling more vibrantly when her emotions were heightened. They also extended past just her skin. Her black hair had sparkles in them, as did her eyes. Once a deep emerald green they now twinkled in a way that would have made Albus Dumbledore stupid with envy. There were even stars on the heels of her feet and in her armpits.

Those were just the most obvious changes.

She was also taller by a bit and more of her body proportions had changed around. Jarvis had done a scan of her body as part of the study and found that her entire body had changed in minute ways to match the golden ratio. Her fingers and feet measurements matching up to the lengths of her legs and forearms. She'd become Davinci's propose perfect man. The Vitruvian Woman. Jarvis also noted that the slight imperfections in symmetry on her face where gone. Tiny adjustments that Holly would have absolutely never noticed on her own but that all summed up together made her look more like a painting than a person. Perfect enough to be a warning, a promise of things that were far too good to be true.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat