Chapter 20: Haircuts, Daddy Issues, and Baby Spiders

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Tony confronts Holly about her current hair style, or rather the lack thereof.

"You have to fix your hair."

Holly gave him a look from over where she was currently inscribing runes into the metal casing of his newest arc reactor. Now that they knew how to protect electronics against magic, his arc reactor was first on the list to be warded. If that thing blew, Tony would literally die so he needed it done ASAP.

"I'm serious. You've been awake for almost a week now, I know you could fix it with a snap of your fingers."

Holly's first look transformed into a new one, this one just as expressive. Her hair was truly a mess and it seemed to be growing worse by the hour. Each lock was its own length and unique configuration of crazy. Normally Tony was all for crazy but this was just plain unflattering. There were so many reasons for Holly to get her hair fixed and yet somehow no one had been able to convince her to agree.

"Look. Glinda." Tony said the nickname rolling off his tongue before he could stop it. "I know you've got some sort of Xena Warrior Princess thing going on with the hair. And yeah, I get it. The tale of 100,000 Snakes is something to be proud of, but can't you be proud of it like a normal person?"

"A normal person?" She asked, putting down the soldering iron she'd been using.

"Yes. Get a tattoo or something."

"I don't see what the problem is." Holly told him.

"Have you looked in a mirror?"

"I have." She said. "And my hair is always a mess, least now I don't have to spend hours trying to comb through it."

"We can keep it short!" Tony urged. "Just like...all the same length of short."

"But if we cut it all down to the same length it'll be a buzz cut."

"You're a witch! You can just grow it out again."

"Magically grown hair never feels quite right."

"Now you're just making excuses."

"Well yes." She said. "That was rather the point. Can we get back to your arc reactor now? I've only got a few hours before I need to pop out for a meeting with my landlord about ending my lease early."

Tony held back his very smug grin about that. It had taken four days of never-ending pestering until the witch in front of him agreed to move into the tower. In the end it had been a combination of the mob of reporters outside her apartment building waiting to eat her alive and Jarvis admitting that he liked the idea of her being closer for her to agree. Tony was still taking credit though.

He'd been the one to design Holly's rooms! He'd even given the woman her own lab, for potions and all sorts of magical nonsense. She'd started the move in process just yesterday. Thor and Steve had gone with her to do the heavy lifting despite Holly telling them repeatedly that she had magic and didn't need the help. The resulting images that had surfaced online of Captain America and the God of Thunder trying to carry a large bookshelf down a flight of stairs while trying their best not to argue with each other had been way too funny.

Thor had dropped the bookshelf on Steve's foot and then Steve had cursed in the way that the army had taught him back in the 40s.

Tony didn't think he'd ever been happier to watch a security feed.

The moving process wasn't complete by any means. Holly still had that meeting with her landlord, which Tony had told her he could take care of. Holly had told him that if he involved himself, she'd prank every coffee maker in the tower to only make sleepy time tea.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang