Chapter 37: Loki's Little Freak-Out

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Loki learns how the Avengers failed in their one mission for him and he is...less than pleased.

The mirror had been given its own stand. A sharp thing made of a blackish metal that seemed to suck in the dim light around it. The mirror had grown in size, a large silver oval, a tantalizing pool that promised a sight far more captivating than any other in all the universe. The mirror was encased in gold and other precious metals, a thick band that he liked to stroke as he stared into its depths. It was the most elegant thing that had ever existed in this room. It stood out starkly against the dark and ominous walls, it screamed out power and secrets.

In the past few days this mirror had given him such wonderful visions. It was enough to put a smile on his face. A nasty cruel thing that sent a shiver of dread down the spines of anyone in a 5-mile radius. It was the sort of smile that promised terrible things for everyone who saw it and showed no remorse or hesitation. It was the smile of a being who had just found the thing he'd been searching his long life for. The power he'd always wanted, no needed, it was finally within his grasp and it was hiding away on a mudball of a planet.

Currently the mirror showed his prey being carried in the arms of the Jontun Runt. The whole journey had been amusing for him to watch. When his children had arrived on earth and set the two large beasts upon the castle, he had watched. He had sat, nearly on the edge of his throne as Holly Potter allowed herself to be eaten by a flame dragon only to be summoned out of its body killing it instantly. He had sat, captivated, as she and the runt had used powerful magic to kill the Frost Beast and in an act of supreme irony almost die themselves.

Holly Potter had passed his first test with flying colors. He had still watched as his children had retreated from Midgard and gone out to collect more beasts, more monsters to send to earth. He paid them little mind, not when the mirror offered so much insight. He had watched the little human who could weild Death's Hallows nearly shiver to death and yet survive the impossible for a mortal once more.


Oh then.

Then there had been Asgard.

He had had plans of invading, of destroying that realm. But of course there was no point now. It was obvious Asgard didn't have what he wanted. The Tesseract and the Scepter were on earth, just like everything else. Besides, seeing Holly Potter wipe the floor with Odin made it clear that taking that realm wouldn't even be a challenge. Thanos had enjoyed watching the trial by combat though.

And now the object of his interest was resting in a bed fit for a queen.

She had passed his first test far beyond his expectations, proving some of his suspicions, but not all. Would she pass the next one?


Thanos barely hid the surprised jerk. He was unprepared for visitors. He had called for no one, he far preferred to continue staring into the depths of his mirror, trying to divine the secrets of this mortal woman.

"Ronan." He growled. What was that Kree doing here? The slimy creature had been chasing after Thanos' coat tails for nearly two decades, desperate for anything that would allow him to destroy Xandar. Thanos had little use for the man most times, he had failed to invade earth once already over 20 years before. Earth now held his most coveted thing. Ronan should have never returned to his presence.

"I have news on the Orb." He said, from his position kneeling on the floor.

"Oh?" Thanos asked, his voice deceptively calm. The putrid Kree was such a pitiful thing to the Titan. The man had killed The Other in a defensive rage, Thanos had forgiven it only if the man could retrieve the Orb, something he had failed to do.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now