Chapter 59: Everyone Needs an Astrophysicist in their Lives

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In which Jane and Holly have a conversation and a few discoveries are made.

In another life Jane Foster would have been quite unhappy in her current situation. She would have been still in a quasi-relationship with Thor, and she would have been the first human in Asgard in centuries, or perhaps ever. In that life Odin wouldn't have been welcoming, the people would have been suspicious, and things would have been miserable. Not only would she have been in pain because of the energy currently possessing her, but she would have been on a planet filled with aliens who didn't like her because of her species.

In this life Jane Foster was far more comfortable. Holly and the Avengers had paved the way for her, and now as she rested in the repaired healing halls, only a day after the attack, she was treated as an honored and welcome guest. The healers were all courteous and kind, doing their best to keep her comfortable and safe. Which is how she found herself relaxing in a nice bed, right next to Holly Potter.

"I don't really think we've been introduced." Jane said looking at the tired woman. They'd been placed in the same room to rest and heal after Holly had come back from her trip up the mountains. Loki had chased after her and brought her back to be healed. The healers had looked over her body and then declared she needed bed rest right away.

"No." Holly said. "Things have been a bit busy, haven't they? I'm Holly."

"Yeah. Thor talks about you a lot when he calls."

"What's the deal with you two anyway?" Holly asked. "I know you're not dating, at least I don't think you are. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Jane decided that it couldn't hurt to talk about it. She leaned back in her own bed, and looked up at the golden arched ceiling. The magic users of Asgard had really fixed the place up quickly. Even with all of the earthquakes that had happened, the city had been quickly put back together again. Or at least this part of it had. It was just the two of them for now. Thor had left to go talk to his parents about the invaders and Loki had gone off to do some research after lunch that day and Jane was done with laying around and sleeping.

"It's weird." Jane admitted. "We met and knew each other for three days. He...he was different."


"Well attractive, and odd but still kind and earnest." Jane said. "He looked at me and he...he made me feel seen. But we only knew one another for three days, before he's suddenly almost dying to save me and then he's a god and then he was gone. I didn't hear anything from him for over a year, I just had to keep doing my research to try and find him. It wasn't that I didn't love him, or at least like him. It was quick. When he came back I discovered that we hardly knew each other, and I still liked him, I do."

"But it's different now that you have the time." Holly finished.

"Exactly." Jane said. "I'm thankful he understood, when I told him that I didn't think us dating would work, he still wanted to be my friend. Its better this way. I don't have to try and recreate the magic of what we were during that week and we can just be ourselves."

"Well. It sounds like it worked out then." Holly said. "How much does Thor tell you?"

"Oh a lot." Jane said. "He's a smart guy in his own way, but Asgard is incredibly advanced, going to earth is like traveling back in time, technologically speaking. He doesn't know how a lot of things work on earth because they're so primitive compared to what he does know. He calls me and asks for explanations about everything. I think he thinks I know everything there is to know."

"Well don't you, Doctor Foster?"

"Ha. I got a doctorate in astrophysics not everything-ology."

Holly laughed a little. The woman looked truly exhausted, her hair was limp and her skin pale. She looked different than she had when she'd left, her skin had sparkling freckles in them now, and she looked smoother, more perfect than any human would. Despite that she still looked terrible. Not only had she gotten pretty hurt protecting Jane and the other healers but then she had gone up somewhere in Asgard and caused those insane earthquakes. If the things Thor had told her were true, she imagined that the woman next to her was under far more stress than Jane herself was. Even though Jane was perhaps days away from dying a painful death.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now