Chapter 60: An Invasion on Three Fronts

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The Convergence is beginning and evil is fomenting. Are the Avengers ready?

The planet they were on probably had a name, if it did none of them knew it. What mattered was that the planet had a mostly breathable atmosphere. Mostly breathable because of all the fires they'd started. Nebula's plan to track down her sister had not...necessarily gone exactly to plan.

She had found Gamora and her team of idiots, she'd even gotten there days before Thanos would.

But then Gamora had started attacking her and Nebula, temper already on a hair trigger, had fought back. And now, they sat across from each other, flames dancing around them, Nebula's ship entirely destroyed and the planet they'd landed on suffering from quite the blow. In the distance she could hear the rest of her sister's team trying to pull themselves up. They had tried to fight against Nebula as well, but she'd dispatched with them easily enough.

"You're the one who wanted to win!"

"Don't tell me what I wanted!"

"It's obvious! You flew all the way across the universe to-"

"You were the one who wanted to win! I wanted a sister!"

Gamora paused. The woman's skin was battered and bruised from their fight. Nebula's entire ship, small as it was, had been destroyed by the fight and they both had the burns to show for it. Nebula could feel the damage done to her cybernetic limbs, a faint echo of the pain she should have been able to feel, would have felt if they were her real limbs. She wrenched herself up, forcing the metal limbs to reconnect. Gamora stared at her, something like horror in her eyes as she continued.

"You were the one who kept winning." Nebula shouted. "He tore my eye from me head, my brain from my skull, and my arm from my body. Because of you! You were all I had!"

"Nebula." Gamora said, her voice suddenly soft. The softness hurt to hear.

"No. Shut up. I'm not...Thanos has chosen another." Nebula said, finally getting the point. She refused to gut herself further in front of her sister.


"For months I have watched him stalk this woman." Nebula said. "He wants her. Wants her in a way he never wanted us."

The horror was setting into her sister's face. They both knew better than anyone what Thanos did to those he wanted.

"She's human. She has powerful magic yes but..."

"But she's human." Gamora finished. "Quill's human. I know what they're...Why her?"

"She killed Maw and Cull, single handedly." Nebula said. "She's powerful. She would've killed Corvus and Proxima but she took them into custody for questioning and they escaped."

"She did what?" Gamora said. "How?"

"I didn't see it. All I know is that our father is obsessed. He's after her and the stones on Terra. He's sending Ronan after the stones, after her."

"So that's why he retreated." Gamora said. "He'd been chasing us for ages, but he stopped."

As Nebula had suspected, her sister had noticed Ronan's retreat. She wondered if the others had worried over it as Gamora would have.

"He has new orders, a more important target than you."

"Why do you care?" Gamora asked. "About her?"

"Why shouldn't I? You might not have cared for me but I don't have to be like you."

Gamora flinched.

"I cared. I did. I didn't think you did."

The two sisters looked at each other. The others tried to come closer but Gamora waved them off, giving them some room.

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