Chapter 12: It's your Birthday!

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Holly comes to work bearing a gift and sends one Avenger down a path of turmoil.

Natasha looked up from her breakfast as Holly appeared in the penthouse with a crack. All of the Avengers were having breakfast together this morning and hadn't expected to see Holly until after, as she had a set, predictable cleaning schedule. She had, however, chosen to break that habit this morning and Natasha could only guess that was because of the silver box she had in her arms. Holly looked over at the group of heroes before spotting Natasha and beamed excitedly.

"Natasha!" She said. "Happy Birthday!"

A moment before Holly's announcement the room had been filled with idle chatter and noise. Clint had just realized that the omelet he was attempting to make looked more scrambled than anything and had been trying to distract Natasha from noticing. Natasha herself had been eating her own perfectly made omelet and preparing a particularly lovely insult for Clint. Steve and Tony were having a mostly friendly argument about who Peggy Carter liked more, her godson or her old sweetheart. Thor was trying to figure out how to fit the foot tall sandwich he'd made out of pancakes, bacon, and eggs into his mouth.  Bruce had been the only silent one, eating food one handed while eyeballs deep in a potions book.

But right then? Right then it was deathly silent.

Steve's face shone with guilt in the way only the All American boy could manage while Tony looked offended on his own behalf. Bruce hadn't actually heard anything far too focused on his book. Thor was beaming. Clint, the only one other than Natasha who had any real context, was holding up his spatula stupidly with his mouth slightly open. Natasha's tiny slip in composure resulted in her fork slipping from her hand and clattering onto her plate.

The noise was enough to get Tony to find his words.

"Oh Natasha. You thought you could hide your birthday from me? Jarvis." Tony said clapping his hands together. "Start preparations."

"Of course, sir."

"I want balloons. I want alcohol. I want strippers." Tony said getting out of his chair and moving away from his half-eaten breakfast. Steve gave Tony a look causing the man to sigh. "No strippers. Replace that with cake. Is that acceptable mother?"

"Nat." Steve said ignoring Tony calling him mother as if that was an insult instead of the stone-cold truth. "I had no idea it was your birthday."

That made two of them.

"Don't worry." Steve said looking back at Tony who was still talking loudly to Jarvis about everything they'd need for her birthday party. "I'll make sure he doesn't go crazy."

She didn't nod or react to his words, but he didn't seem to notice as he was moving away from her and towards Tony, obviously trying to convince Tony that no Natasha would not want a Burlesque show nor would a live band be necessary. Bruce had finally looked up from his book, listened to the conversation going on around him and gave Natasha a smile.

"Happy Birthday." He said pleasantly before going directly back to his book. She had feeling that Bruce was trying to cover up his panic at not having gotten her a gift. His eyes were no longer moving along the lines of text, so he was probably trying to figure out what to get her at the last minute.

"Lady Natasha!" Thor said. "I am very happy to give my blessings on this the anniversary of your birth! I am sure that Tony's party will surely honor you and your achievements!"

"Thanks Thor." She said.

"Now I must find an appropriate gift for a warrior of your skill." Thor said getting up and moving quickly out of the room. Natasha could at least appreciate the honesty.

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