Chapter 30: The Things Holly Potter Loves

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The Feast Continues and Holly is so full of love that she just might burst.

Holly felt as if she were flying. She knew she was actually on the ground because she kept tapping her sandaled foot against the marble floor and she could feel the pressure of the ground beneath her. And yet she still felt awfully buoyant. She kept a hand on Loki's forearm to keep herself from floating away. She watched as Thor made his way through the crowds, her friend was sparking all over the place. But no one else seemed to notice the bright blue lightning so she kept quiet about it.

Loki had asked that she try to act as normally as she could and she was not going to disappoint him, no sir. Loki had spent the last day in jail and then his stupid dad had given him that farce of a trial. Loki deserved to be happy and if Holly acting like an Asgardian would do it then she'd be damned before she failed. She remembered his lecture on proper Asgardian behavior and she was willing to commit to it. It was actually quite fun.

"We should go." Holly said, her jaw felt quite funny and the words came out strange as she tried to figure out how far to open her mouth.

"Go?" Loki asked.

"Thor's...he's stuck!" She said motioning towards their friend. "The crowds are...we should save him."

"Thor is fine." Loki said. "We should stay right here. Here how would you like to try a cake?"

Cake? At a time like this? She sniffed a little and looked at the crowds of people gathering around Thor. After her cheer she'd thought Thor would be allowed to walk up to where she was just like Loki and she had been able to. But the crowds had congregated on their crown prince and now she couldn't ask Thor how things were back on earth. Was Hogwarts okay? Had anyone been hurt? She had to know.

But how to get over there? She recalled as best she could Loki's description of proper Asgardian behavior and nodded to herself. She removed her hand from Loki and grabbed at the pretty skirt of her dress. And what a pretty dress it was. She'd thought so the moment she saw it but it wasn't until right then that she realized just how perfect it was. It was made of silk but not silk like she'd ever known it. It moved like the dresses in movies did and she started petting the soft fabric for a moment, comfortably distracted by the pretty blue color.

"Holly. Come, sit down." Loki said tugging at her arm lightly.

"Nuh-uh." She said shaking her head vigorously. She could do it, she'd prove to Loki she knew what to do. She hopped up onto the table before Loki could stop her. "Thor!"

Thor looked up from the crowds his eyes filled with lightning and looked a bit confused. Did he not want to see her? No it was probably something else. She jumped down onto the ground just barely missing Loki attempting to grab at the back of her dress and pull her back. She stumbled forward, her balance far more off than usual, and then started running towards her friend. The crowds politely parted on either side of her and she was able to make a quick beeline towards her other very best friend Thor.

Loki was her bestest friend, of course he was, he'd been so nice in Jontunheim and kept her warm and listened to her talk and then he'd given her this pretty amazing dress and done her hair up all nice and curly. She loved, loved, loved, that Loki had done her hair for her, he'd been so nice and charming and brilliant and it was obvious that Loki was the bestest person in the whole nine realms.

But Thor was also just the best too. He was so nice and good at listening too and he gave good hugs and he had lightning in his eyes, and he'd promised to be her shield brother and no one had ever done that before either. He also had super soft, warm shirts that were perfect for sleeping in and she loved him. So, Thor was her other best friend and she wanted to give him a hug. She almost never gave people hugs, hugs were hard, she never knew how long they were supposed to last or how hard she was supposed to hold the other person. The only kind of hug she never over thought was the hugs she got after winning a game of quidditch. Thor would love those kinds of hugs though she was sure.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now