Chapter 52: Children of Superheroes

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Teddy begs Clint to let him go to the farm. He's never been in a house run by electricity before, it would be so cool!

"Please. Please. Please. Please."

"Woah! Kid slow down!" Clint said holding his up his hands to stall the torrent of 'please' that was flooding out of Teddy's mouth.

"I'll tell everyone you're my favorite Avenger." He said seriously, his eyes wide and pleading.

"You haven't even told me what you're asking for!"

"Holly said you have a farm!"


"And a muggle house! I've never been to a muggle house before, cause when I was smaller I couldn't control my shapeshifting well enough and plus Holly didn't know many muggles like she does now. I've always wanted to be in a house run by the 'tricity."

Teddy had practically bum rushed Clint when he'd walked into the feasting hall for breakfast. Clint was still a bit too tired to understand exactly what was going on. Thankfully Holly had made it to the two of them and explained.

"I was telling everyone at the table that you and I would be disappearing come the afternoon back to the farm."

"Right." Clint said. Holly and him hadn't been back to the farm in a while, mostly because they'd been busy in the past few weeks almost dying. Then there had been the retreat to the billionaire beach, done in an attempt to get the world to stop going insane. Clint had called Laura just the night before to set up another visit/lesson for Lila.

"Holly ask him." Teddy said pulling on the skirt of Holly's robes beseechingly. 

"Teddy here." Holly said. "Would like to know if you would be comfortable letting him come along for the visit."

Clint was immediately hit with images of the pranks, of the chaos, that Teddy brought with him everywhere he went.

He didn't want that in his home.

"Please?" Teddy begged.

"It might be nice." Holly said. "For Lila."

"Why?" Clint asked.

"So, she can meet a magic user her age? I'm afraid of giving the girl a complex, since I'm the only one she's ever met and I'm...well I'm a bit advanced."

"But..." Clint said motioning a little at Teddy.

"I promise to behave." Teddy said. "No pranks for the whole time."

And Clint could tell this was a losing battle. Holly had already gotten him by bringing up that it would be good for Lila. Because it would be good. Teddy was an unapologetically magical child. Magic was all he knew, all he was. His confidence, his joy in it, was something Clint wanted for his own kid. He thought about all the magical things that had invaded his farm house and how bright magic made his daughter. This was just the next logical step.

"Fine." Clint said. "But no pranks."

"Yes!" Teddy said. "You won't regret this! I promise."

Clint had a feeling he definitely would. Holly gave him a grin as if reading his mind. She gave his arm a conciliatory pat. Clint rolled his eyes in response and then made his way to the table to sit down for breakfast. On the far end of the table, Tony was talking to the headmistress about the next phase of the internet installation, which was connecting Hogwarts' closed system to the world. They'd set up the protections and now it was merely time to teach Hogwarts internet safety.

Bruce was talking to Draco Malfoy and Loki about his werewolf research. Both magic users were listening, nodding along and occasionally adding on suggestions far too complicated for Clint to keep up with. Steve and Winter were kindly acting as the buffer space between Loki and the Asgardian visitors. Holly sat down on the other end with Nat and Teddy, which is where Clint settled.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz