Chapter 47: Maria Collins Carbonell Stark

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Winter's memories have been returned to him and there are a few confessions he has to make.

When they had come up with the plan to visit Hogwarts again, Holly had been quite excited. The castle had been her first home, the most comfortable place she had ever known as a child. Her new friends hadn't gotten to explore the castle much at all the previous trip because of the attack by those two gigantic alien beasts. There hadn't been any other attacks yet but Holly knew they could come at any moment.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, she thought it best for them to take care of the server installation at Hogwarts sooner rather than later.

From what she had been able to glean from Death, Thanos was targeting her, likely because she owned the hallows. He probably saw her as direct competition for Death's affections, which Holly was pretty sure Thanos did not want anyway. Being loved by Death meant she eagerly waited for your death, and probably might even facilitate it. And if Thanos wanted to die there were a lot easier ways to go about it.

So Thanos was targeting her and while he could no longer watch her, nor had he seen any conversations she'd had with Death, she had no idea what he had seen and what he had not. Beyond that, if he had the ability to gather dangerous creatures to throw randomly at her then she should settle in a strategic location that would allow for the fewest civilian casualties possible. It was something Holly had actually discussed with McGonagall before taking her team to the castle.

McGonagall had given her quite a look when Holly had asked if she'd be willing to take on the risk.

"My dear girl, I took on your safety when you were 11 and far more vulnerable. Hogwarts shall always be your home, you know that."

So that was that.

They'd come to Hogwarts. They all had tasks for their time in the ancient castle. Bruce and Tony were on server and computer set up. Clint and Natasha were supposed to help teach the professors how to use their new electronics as well as offer advice on how to ensure their students didn't abuse the privilege while also maximizing the opportunity for learning. In classes like herbology and care of magical creatures, students could use their phones to record flora and fauna as part of an assignment. In Astronomy students could use their phones to more accurately record and time cosmic events of significance.

Trelawney came up with techno-divination on her own.

Holly thought it was rather amusing, trying to divine meaning from the smudges on your phone screen, but that was perhaps because she thought all divination at this point was just a little funny.

Steve was meant to be doing a lot of the heavy lifting along with Thor when it came to moving the large servers into place and helping move cables through the castle, but he'd been freed from his duties to help with Winter's recovery. Loki and Holly had two jobs, recheck Hogwarts' warding system and keep Teddy out of as much mischief as possible. They were more successful with the first than the second task, but that was mostly because Holly did so enjoy indulging Teddy.

Jarvis was meant to be helping Hogwarts with connecting to the internet and Hogwarts was meant to be helping Jarvis learn how to utilize the magic he now had.

(Hermione had a theory about where Jarvis' magic came from that involved Holly's presence and Holly refused to bring it up with the others right then because the last thing, she wanted was proof she could give magic to anyone if she wasn't thinking. If it was true, then who would get magic next? Clint? Tony?)

Anyway, Hogwarts and Jarvis were pretty silent, had been since they'd gotten to the castle. Hogwarts and Jarvis would respond if you called out for them, but they seemed much more interesting in talking to each other in their own language than talking to the humans wandering around inside Hogwarts' halls. Tony had insisted that they leave the two of them alone to do whatever they'd like until the servers were ready to be turned on.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat