Chapter 79: Are we Done?

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Holly is back, the team is together, and... somehow it seems like she stumbled upon peace.

The story came out over the next several hours. There was, as it turned out, a lot to share on both sides. Bits and pieces of what they had been doing in the last month came out over bowls of soup and mugs of tea. Messages were sent to Sam Wilson and the many members of the DA who had come out of retirement to fight by Holly's side once again letting them know she was back and safe. They'd received messages back which all boiled down to saying that they had never expected anything less of her.

And despite Loki's orders, they all had cake.

Holly at first wasn't really sure how to begin to explain what she'd experienced in the last month. She'd seemingly run an emotional marathon across multiple different dimensions and now all she wanted to do was rest. She almost wished she still had to go into magical comas, if only because that would force her to rest without interruption for a few days. But she didn't need the coma anymore and her friends, her family, needed answers.

So once Loki had finished sputtering about how Ralston had been pranking him this whole time, Holly started by telling them what had happened in Hel. Of course her story was interrupted almost immediately by the bizarre news that Hela was currently helping the spirits Holly had created by using the reality stone to change Hel into a suitable environment for the billions of beings who now had nowhere else to go.

"So...she's ruling them." Holly said. 

"What?" Thor asked. "No! She's...helping them."

"Does she honestly seem like the person to help anyone?" Tony asked.

"Well how else would you describe it?" Loki asked. "She doesn't have to do any of it. It's not like the spirits will starve if left alone."

"It's kind." Thor insisted.

"I don't know if I'd describe your sister as kind." Holly drawled.

"Are you seriously going to free her?" Winter asked.

"It was part of the deal, she was the only person I knew of that would be powerful enough to kill him and would be out of the way enough for Thanos not to think of," Holly said. "But she and I are going to have a talk before I do. If she tries to invade anywhere, then she'll face me and even if I can't kill her, I can make her hurt. I'm also going to extract a promise that she leave earth and Asgard alone."

There wasn't much they could do, the deal had already been made. And with how Hela was acting around the spirits, most of them secretly thought she wouldn't be much of a problem at all. Holly took a few sips of her soup and then continued, telling them about finding herself connecting with the Yggdrasil itself and helping to stabilize it in the aftermath of Thanos' actions.

She hadn't been herself then, there had been no thoughts or concept of time. She and the Yggdrasil were one and she was a mere force within it, helping it grow and thrive. After about seven days of that, the world tree had settled and let Holly go. She then described her throne room and the guest she'd found waiting on the steps leading up to her throne.

The story was then interrupted by Loki who needed to rant about Ralston and demand answers to all of his questions immediately. Was Ralston okay? How was he able to contact Loki? Why was he there and not the afterlife? What was going on with his best friend?

Holly told him. She struck him nearly dumb as she told a story of the norns stealing Ralston's soul from his body right before Death could and offering him the chance to help Holly and stop Thanos from destroying the universe. Ralston had taken the offer, sipped from the well of fate, and become something more than human. This of course made Tony start to giggle, with disbelief and relief all wrapped into one.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now