One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (1)

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My eyes slowly began to open, and I took in my surroundings. What the hell happened last night? I shifted around in the bed, not recognizing my surroundings. I slowly sat up, but stopped as soon as I realized I was naked. Then a groan came from the right hand side of me, please don't tell me I slept with someone. I am never ever drinking again, this was horrible.

"Hey baby," a male voice said, while snaking an arm around my waist. I looked down and literally screamed, this can't be happening.

He looked up at me, his light blue eyes opened wide as he sprung from the bed.

"River? River W-W-Wild?" He stammered, looking me up and down.

"Reece, Reece Collins," I said, crossing my arms, making sure to cover my naked chest.

"H-H-How did we end u-u-up together?" He was staring at me now, fear clear in his eyes.

"I can't remember, I was intoxicated to the max last night," I shrieked, this was too much. I COULD NOT HAVE HAD SEX WITH REECE COLLINS. My best friend has a huge crush on him, when I say huge, I mean massive.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD I HAVE SEX WITH YOU!" He shouted, okay I can' be that bad. I just stood silently as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Seriously, why would I? You're not good for my reputation. You're a typical stuck up good girl. You are most certainly not my type. My reputation is going to be ruined." I muttered 'drama queen' under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear, but obviously with my luck, he heard me.

"I am not a drama queen." He looked like someone ate the last slice of cake right now. Jeez dude, chill.

"Try and think back, do something useful that doesn't involve shouting, thanks." I said folding my arms over my small chest once I realised I let me drop. "Oh and by the way, you still have lipstick, all over your face."

"We'll both think, I was just as intoxicated as you were," he said, pouting. He wiped around his face, getting rid of the lipstick stains.

"Fine," I said, searching my brain for the memories. Soon, it all came flooding back like a tidal wave.


"Are you excited?" Kiera asked me. Of course I was excited, it's been ages since myself and Kiera went out together. I liked to go clubbing, just not as much as she did.

"I am more than excited," I said. A huge smile plastered on my face. Which I was very excited, no lie there.

"Do I look okay?" She asked, while we were entering the club. Of course she did, Kiera was stunning. She had long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin. She was tall and slim. She looked stunning tonight like she always does. She was wearing a tight red dress, it was short, but not slutty short. With red lipstick. She looked hot.

"You look gorgeous," I said. I didn't dare ask her about me, I'm nothing compared to Kiera. I have long curly blonde hair, a dimple on my left cheek, grey\blue eyes. I'm nowhere near as tanned as Kiera. But I'm not ghostly white either. I'm slightly pale.

"You look pretty too River," she said while smiling. I was wearing high waist skinny jeans, and a pale lacy crop top. I didn't look bad I suppose.

We got into the club no problem, I am 19 and Kiera is 20. The club is over 21's but we usually get in most of the time.

"Would either of you pretty girls like a drink?" A guy said standing in front of us with his friend. We both nodded eagerly, I was dying for a drink. The stress of starting college next week was too much.

"What's yer names?" He asked, looking at the both of us.

"I'm Kiera," she said while pointing to herself, "and this is River." They looked at me for a second, then back to Kiera. Yeah, as you can tell she usually gets the guys.

"I'm Kyle, and this is Trevor." He pointed to the tall guy standing next to him. I found neither of these guys very attractive, so I let Kiera flirt with the both of them. Not that I had to leave her, she was already one step ahead of me.

I politely excused myself while I made my way over to the bar to get another drink. I ordered my drink, and waited for him to serve me.

"Hey baby." A hand sneaked around my waist. Who the hell was this? I turned around to find Reece Collins, the bad boy of my high school. We graduated this year, surprisingly he did too.

"Hi." I turned back around getting my drink from the bartender.

I downed the double shot in a heartbeat.

"Do you want another?" Reece slurred into my ear. Of course I did. So he got me another double shot. Then another, and another, and another. Safe to say, I was beyond drunk now.

"Thanks Reecey," I whispered into his ear. Stroking up and down his arm.

"How about we go somewhere else." I nodded, completely forgetting about Kiera.

We left and booked into a hotel for the night. We staggered up to our room. Still very drunk.

Once inside he closed the door, then pushed me up against it, kissing all down my neck. Kiera has a crush on him. This shouldn't be happening. But it feels too good to stop it.

"Reece," I breathed as he found my sweet spot just above my collarbone.

"You like that baby?" He said as he payed extra attention to that area. Which caused a low moan to escape my lips again.

He lifted me up, so my legs were now wrapped round his waist. Carrying me over and placing me on the bed, he took off my top, and I took off his.

I had sex with Reece Collins.
End of flash back.

"OH MY GOD!" I screeched while placing a hand over my mouth. "WE HAD SEX!" I screeched once again, while he groaned, looking around for his clothes.

"Most girls would be honored, you know," he said while putting on his pants.

"Yes you're right, because I should be more then honored to destroy my reputation before I even go to college." I hissed back. How could I have had sex with him? This was ridiculous. I pulled my top over my head, then slipping into my jeans. Reece did the same, but with his own clothes obviously.

"If anything its my reputation that's ruined. I lowered my standards big time," I gasped, what a jerk.

"Trust me, you wouldn't be exactly my type either," I snapped. He was really getting on my nerves now.

"What do you mean I wouldn't be your type?" He folded his arms.

"I mean, I usually go for good-looking guys, my standards have been lowered to you, I need to fix that as soon as possible." I smirked to myself, yeah that's right, I have good comebacks.

"I'll make a deal with you," he said quickly, just before I opened the door.

"What?" I asked, my hand still firmly on the door knob.

"Neither of us ever speak of this again, it was a mistake." I couldn't agree more. Kiera needs to know though, can I really keep this big of a secret from her? I guess we'll have to find out when I see her later.

"Huge mistake," I added. He nodded his head in agreement.

"So do we have a deal?" He asked. Holding out his hand.

"We have a deal." I shook his hand, and left. Without saying another word.

I, River Wild, had a one night stand with the bad boy, Reece Collins.



Authors Note - First chapter completed. If you like it don't forget to vote or comment, helps me out loads. Thanks guys.

Tanya xo

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