One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (4)

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Waking up the next morning wasn't the easiest thing.  I dreaded going out to the kitchen incase Reece was still mad at me.  How do I make this okay? I mean it was just a hug.  It can't have been that big of deal.

The more I sat and thought of it, the more offended I became.  He has sex with tonnes of girls, but doesn't want to hug me. 

"River?" He knocks on the door, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I kind of snapped.  I felt hurt, and this is how I usually deal when I feel hurt.

"I'm sorry okay? I just don't like being touched," he said simply, as if it was nothing.

"But you have sex all the time with girls? Is it me? Am I the problem? Do I repulse you is it?" I was getting angry now. Why? I don't know myself.

"That's different River, I mean in a sentimental way." I could hear in his voice that he was getting a bit irritated too.  So I decided to build a bridge and get over it.

"What's for breakfast?" I chirped, as if nothing had happened.

"I made waffles, is that okay?" He asked.  I nodded eagerly. I honestly thought he would be a complete jerk, but he seems to be quite sweet.

"Oh yeah and Reece?" I called out just as he was leaving.  "My dad and baby sister will be calling soon.  Is that okay?" He nodded his head then disappeared out the door. 

I got up and changed into a pair of jeans with a wooly top.  The air was already cold here.  I put on a small bit of make up.  By a small bit of make up I don't mean a bit of mascara.  I'm not like those girls that put on a tiny bit and still look great.  I mean a bit less of foundation then I usually would, blush, and mascara. I tied my blonde curls into a bun on the top of my head, and put a mini bandana on to keep them from my face.  A few stray strands fell out but that's fine, it looked okay.

When I walked out to the kitchen Reece placed a plate in front of me.  The waffles were so nice. 

"Did you cook or buy these?" I asked while shovelling them down my mouth. Attractive. Was all I could think.

"I cooked them obviously River." He had a smug grin on his face.  Obviously enjoying watching me devour his creation.

"Their great." I smiled.

"What are you going to do today?" He asked me.  I was just about to answer when the doorbell rang.  It was 9 in the morning, I wonder who was calling at this hour.

I jumped out of my seat and walked over to the door.  I was just about to open it when another knock came.  Okay calm down. I opened it and squealed in excitement.

"Dad! Sandy!" I exclaimed, smothering them both in a gigantic hug.  I knew they were coming this week, but not so soon. I heard a small cough, then turned around slowly. Their was Reece swaying back and forth awkwardly.

"Sorry Reece.  This is my dad, Toby, and my little sister, Sandy." I took Sandy from my father, placing her on my hip.  She was smiling, her dimple clearly showing.  She had it on the same side and place as me.

"And dad, this is my roommate until December, Reece." They shook hands.  Dad seemed okay with it. I thought he would freak at the fact I'm rooming with a guy until December.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Reece said.

"Please, call me Toby," my dad said.

"Dad, let me show you around." Which I did.  I brought him in and out of the rooms, thank god Reece's was tidy.  I was delighted.

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