One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (8)

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The next few days dragged.  I had an extremely bad chest infection, I couldn't go to any classes. Everyday one of the guys has come to stay with me, which was actually very sweet. I've become close with the guys now, and I have to say I love them to bits.

My bruises are nearly gone now, just a few marks left. We were going out to a party tonight, I was dreading it. I didn't want anyone looking at me, or drawing attention to me. Alls I wanted was a peaceful night in, but of course the guys wanted to go out.

I was in the mist of putting on my make up when the door knocked.

"You nearly ready River?" Tucker asked.

"Yeah 5 minutes Tuck." More like 30.

After about 20 minutes I was finally ready. I wore a bright blue dress with white heels, I looked okay.

"Finally, you're ready." Trevor put his arm around my shoulder while walking out. Wait. Where is Reece?

"We're meeting Reece at the party." That was creepy.

"Why would I care, peeft." I tried to laugh it off, but they all laughed at my pathetic attempt.

"We know you like him River," Cian said.

"No I don't!" I said this with so much defence in my voice, you would want to be stupid to believe it.

"Alright River, whatever you say." Trevor patted my shoulder before dropping his hand beside him. They said the club was in walking distance, but at this moment I was really regretting not driving.

When we arrived at the club, it was only semi full. I needed a drink to calm my nerves as quick as I could.

"Double vodka shot please." I said as soon as I reached the bar.

"Woah steady River, we don't want you waisted." Cian said. I'll drink as much as I want.

"Here you go sweetheart." I downed the shot without flinching at the burning sensation. It felt good.

I wanted more.

"River?" I turned around to see Reece with his arm around a girl. Jealousy straight away hit my chest. I need more vodka.

"Sorry I hope you don't mind, could I have two more double shots of vodka, ones for my friend." I was hoping the others didn't hear. Both of them were for me.

"Here sweety." I downed the two other double shots. These were so strong, I could feel myself getting dizzy already.

Where is Reece? Oh yeah he's with that stupid blonde bitch.

"Another two please." I knew I was already drunk, but who cares.

"Here you go." I downed the two of them after giving him the money. Fuck I was getting a bit more than drunk now. Alls I wanted to do was shout at Reece.

"Are you okay River?" I stumbled onto Trevor's shoulder. I felt like getting sick everywhere. I looked to my right to find the bathroom, but saw Reece making out with the girl up against the wall. I felt angry now. I liked Reece, not her. I'm going to go get him.

I stumbled over to where they were and stood in between them.

"YOURE SUCH AN ASSHOLE." I shouted into his face. Stumbling a bit.

"River how much did you have to drink." He put a hand on my shoulder, but in a friendly way. Not the way he touched her. Why doesn't he treat me like them girls? Am I not good enough for him?

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME." I swatted his hand away. "YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ME! I LIKE YOU REECE!" I screamed again, stumbling in the process.

"River please just calm down. Look Emma-,"

"It's Jessica." She said angrily. Is she angry at Reece? Stupid bitch.

"Don't you dare talk to Reece like that." I walked right up into her face. How dare she.

"What are you going to do?" Nothing. I was getting out of hand.

"I'm leaving." So I did. I left the club, looking for somewhere to go. I need a hug, it's cold and dark. I'm still incredibly sick from the chest infection.

"River what's actually wrong with you." I'm still drunk leave me alone.

"Just go Reece okay? Go back to your blonde bimbo." I know, I'm  stereo typing, but who care?

"What did I do?" He asked.

"That blonde, I don't like her." I looked down at my hands, still slightly stumbling.

"How much did you drink?" He asked, placing hand on my shoulder.

"5 double shots." I stated.

"Fuck, we need to sober you up River come on." He grabbed my hand, helping me to walk.


"Get this in you." He handed me water. Right now I was crouched over a toilet, puking up everywhere. He just left everything I said I was going to get sick, he hated watching people get sick, I couldn't blame him, it looked vile.

"Thanks." I muttered. What happened earlier, I can't really remember anything.

"I'm sorry for ruining your night." I said. I didn't know what I did, but it must of been bad.

"The guys text, I let them know I took you home." I looked down, ashamed and embarrassed. "They care about you River, you're like a little sister to them." He shrugged.

"And you? What do you think of me?" Stupid question River, beyond stupid.

"If I'm honest, I like you River, not in a sisterly way." Thank god. "But I can't hurt you, I'm sorry. I hurt girls the whole time, but I just can't bring myself to do the same to you." My heart sunk. He doesn't want to do anything with me at all. I wanted another drink, now. I got up and went over to presses, I rooted until I found a naggin of vodka, time to down it. I took one gulp until it was snatched from my hand.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING RIVER?" He snatched the glass from me.

"CANT YOU SEE IT? THE ONLY RELEASE I HAVE IS THROUGH VODKA, I NEED IT REECE!" I went to get it but he moved it away.

"RIVER STOP OKAY!" He poured the drink down the sink, and brought me over to the couch.

"Why don't you cry to release how you're feeling?" I can't cry!

"I would if I could, but I can't cry Reece. I JUST CANT." I screamed the last bit. Why? I don't know.

"Ssshhh River, come here." He wrapped his hands around my shoulder, bringing me closer to him. He carried me into the bedroom and helped me change into my pyjamas.

"We're going to order a massive pizza and chip, okay?" I nodded my head eagerly, I was starving.


"So that's what happened your mom?" He asked, shovelling chips into his mouth. Right this instant we were sitting in my bed. The pizza and chips were in the middle of us, while the drinks were to the side.

"Yeah, I've always felt like it was my fault, but what can I do now?" I shrugged, eating a slice of pizza.

"Exactly." I was sobered up now, finally.

"I like you Reece, I really do like you."

"I like you too River."

We cleaned up the boxes and stuff, putting the leftovers in the fridge. I went to go into my room but before I did Reece stopped me.

"Night River."

"Night." I gave him a small hug, which he returned without pausing for once.

Safe to say I went to sleep with a massive smile on my face.

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