One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (14)

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"Thank you," I said, as his mum, Leah, handed me up a huge fry. We were going horse riding today, and the two guys were convinced that I wouldn't be able to.

"Morning," Reece came down, in nothing but a pair of sweats. Don't like his body River, don't look at his body. Too late. I didn't even know he worked out. He had defined muscles, all over. Going from his toned pecs, to his bulging triceps and biceps. The best thing? His muscular six pack, with that V line, leading down to his -.

"Are you okay?" He whispered into my ear, I didn't have to turn around to know he was smirking. I didn't answer, I just stayed blushing like crazy.

"So, when are ye going? And are you sure it's okay for you to go River, with your legs and all?" I know that she's just concerned, but this is what I was dreading. Reece and myself practised walking again today, and for a split second, I thought I felt something. It was probably just my imagination, but I couldn't help but feel a shimmer of hope.

"I'll be perfectly okay," I smiled.

"We're leaving soon, just have to wait for Junior to wake up," Reece said while pouring his tea.

"Reece was helping me to try and walk this morning," I blurted out. Why did I even say that? There was silence for a couple of moments.

"And, how did that go?" She asked slowly, as if debating on weather to ask or not.

"We have been trying for a while," god, it sounds like I'm on about having a baby. "But no luck," I looked down. "I'm sorry, I don't even know why I'm telling you this." I began panicking, they're going to think I'm so sad, I need to change the subject quickly. "How was Sandy last night? Usually she stays asleep like a log, I mean sometimes she gets noisy but you know, what can you do," I babbled on and on, until I was finally cut off.

"It's okay River," his mum said, placing a hand over mine. "We would love to help you walk as well." She smiled, a genuine smile. I smiled back with the same generosity.

"But seriously, how was Sandy last night."


"Man you are heavy." Reece was hoisting me up onto the horses back. She was gorgeous. All black.

"Hey, I have hardly been able to exercise now have I?" I retorted.

"I suppose not," he laughed. Once I was safely up and my legs put into stirrups and strapped so they wouldn't slip out, Reece climbed up on his own horse.

"We've given you a stick, because you can't use your legs, but don't use it hard." He looked so serious when saying that, these horses must be very special to them.

"You ready Junior?" He shouted back to his brother, who was hoisting himself up on his horse.

"One second," he said. "Is River alright?" He shouted. He mustn't have thought I was able to hear him.

"I'm fine," I shouted over, smiling.

"Not that I care." He huffed.

"Okay lesson one with horse riding," Junior began, but I had other ideas. "WAIT! RIVER!" He called after me, but too late. I was gone, free.

"You never told me you could ride?" Reece said, after catching up with me. His smile was wide, and real.

"You never asked," I shrugged. Smiling a big toothy grin.

"RIVER! WHAT THE HELL?" Junior came up, shouting. I burst out laughing.

"I told you didn't I? Don't underestimate me." I continued to laugh, his face was in pure shock.

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