One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (17)

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"River?" Reece screamed from upstairs.

"Yeah?" I shouted back.

"We're going into the market today, would you like to come?" We only had just over a week left here, I'm not going to lie, I'm going to miss it terribly.

"I think I'll stay behind this time," I shouted up, but he appeared in the kitchen.

"I'll stay too so, to make sure you don't fall out of your wheelchair," he said, while taking a bite out if an apple.

"You don't have to," I smiled, hoping he didn't. I liked the peace and quite on my own sometimes.

"I will, I don't particularly want to be shopping with grandma anyway," he laughed. Damn it!

Out of nowhere, a hand came into contact with my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I felt a substance left on my face, it was whipped cream. Before I could think, I got up and sprinted towards him, taking the whipped cream with me.

"W-w-wait," Reece stuttered, what was I that ba- holy shit, I'm standing. Then all of a sudden, that darting pain ran up through both my legs, worse than it's ever been.

"REEEECE?" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "HEELP." I was going to black out from the pain, it was unbearable.

"River?" He spoke so gentle that I couldn't help but allow myself to relax for a split second before blacking out completely.


"You are so beautiful," Reece spoke, as he caressed my cheek.

"No, no I'm not," I looked away, not daring to meet his eyes.

"Look at me River," he placed two fingers under my chin, so I was now eye to eye with him.

"Don't you dare ever say you are not beautiful, you are the most beautiful girl in this world, I don't look nor check out any girl anymore; because you are the only one for me," and with that, Reece placed his soft gentle lips over mine, startling me at first, but soon I found myself going along with the rhythm of his lips. We moved in perfect sync.

"I've a lot to show you River," he walked away, leaving me all alone in the forest. I began to grew scared, from being left alone. I couldn't move, my feet were sewn to the ground, I began to scream, but my voice, it was g-gone.

"River?" I heard my name being called but I couldn't answer back. Why couldn't I answer back?

"River, River can you hear me?" My eyes snapped open, to find Reece staring down at me.

"W-what happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"You blacked out so I carried you up to bed," I blushed, suddenly feeling self conscious of my weight. "Then you started crying so I came up, the night in shining armour I am, and rescued you," he said smugly.

"So I black out, and you don't call a doctor?" I tried my best to hold in the laughter, but as soon as his face expressions changed, I burst out laughing.

"Right, to the doctor we go."


"Ow!" I yelped, as the doctor tapped a small hammer thing off my leg.

"So you felt that?" He said, looking at me.

"Obviously if she yelped." Reece said, glaring at the doctor. These two just did not get along.

"Was I asking you?" The doctor said to Reece.

"My legs feel fine," I said truthfully. They weren't sore, but I had feeling in them. In fact I walked into the hospital, with just a small bit of help from Reece.

"We're going to give you crutches, to make sure it's okay, also you can old onto the wheelchair, just incase," he smiled, I returned it with a smile of my own.


"He just doesn't like me," Reece said, while we rode the horses into the forest. His Mum, Grandma, Granda, and Sandy were gone for two nights, leaving Junior, Reece and I alone.

"That's because you always answer for me," I laughed.

"He was trying to hurt you," he squeaked a girly, unattractive squeak.

"Manly Reece, real manly," I burst into laughter, not able to control it. As soon as he looked back and glared, I pursed my lips together, sealing them for the rest of the journey.

We came up to a very familiar looking place in the forest, though I can't remember being here at the same time. I looked around, taking in my surroundings but still could not pinpoint it.

"What?" Reece asked? Once I snapped out of my trance, I realised it was Reece I was staring at the entire time. Shoot!

"What?" I repeated. Well done River!

"Why were you looking at me?" He cocked his head to the side slightly.

"Why were you looking at me?" I retorted. He blushed a small bit before looking away. Thank god that worked!

"River?" He called, as he got off his horse, I soon followed.

"Why don't you think you're beautiful?" His stare was so intense, I had to walk away a bit.

"Because, the only people who have told me I am, are my family, friends and guys who want to get with me, or Kiera," I shrugged, as if it was nothing.

"I think you're beautiful," he came behind me, his hot breathe tickling my neck.

"Really?" I asked, not moving. Not that I could move, I was frozen like a statue.

"Really," he whispered, then left a gentle kiss in between my shoulder and neck. I couldn't ignore the cliché electric feeling that shot through me. He walked over to the tree, and sat down under it, I followed.

"Reece?" I plopped down next to him, close enough so our shoulders were brushing against one another.

"Mmmh?" He said, he picked up my hand and intertwined it with his. What the hell is happening?

"Have you ever liked someone you shouldn't have?" He froze for moment, but within seconds he was back to fiddling with my hand.

"What's with all the questions?" He laughed.

"It was one question Reece," I stated, remaining eager for him to answer it. He sighed then placed his head in his hands.

"I like you River, and I shouldn't," he got up, then padded over to where his horse was and began to feed her.

"I had a dream," I blurted out, stupid River, stupid. "B-but it was a s-silly dream, it doesn't matter," I said, quicker than lightening.

"Tell me," he came over, staring at me so I had to tell him, I couldn't refuse. So I did it, I told him the whole dream.

"You've a wild imagination River, that would never happen," I couldn't help but feel the pang of hurt shoot me right in the stomach. So I just kept my mouth closed and made my way over to my horse. "I would never leave you alone," he said that so seriously, that even I had to stop and look at him.

Why do I like him so much?


"How does it feel? To be able to walk again?" He said, from his mattress.

"Great, I've never felt so alive." That was the honest truth, I felt alive, and free. "I couldn't thank you enough Reece, for helping me through this," I said gratefully.

"Anything for you River," he said, but soon the room filled with an awkward silence.

"Goodnight River."

"Goodnight Reece."

Every night, we say goodnight after our chats, to indicate who's tired first. I loved our good nights or our little things.

I like this boy a lot, that's one thing I'm sure of.


Authors note- new chapter, hope you guys enjoy, love ye all.

Tanya xo

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