One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (20)

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I woke up the next morning, remembering absolutely everything that happened the night before.  I was sober, Reece was sober, and we slept together, again.  This time I remembered everything about it, how we kissed, how he touched me and how how we fit and moved perfectly together.  I remember every last detail, and if I'm honest, I don't think I will ever forget it.

"Hey," a tired voice spoke next to me.  This time I knew who it was, and I wasn't shocked. 

"Hi," I spoke shyly.  Why am I acting shy now? What is this boy doing to me?

"Did you have a good night?" He winked, and smirked, causing me to blush a deeper shade of red.

"Yeah, and by the noises you were making, you clearly did too," I shot back.  Where the hell did that come from? Well wherever it came from, it took Reece's smirk straight from his face.

"Shut up River," he huffed, and sunk back into the bed, turning away from me.   Shit, I need to brush my teeth, can't have him smelling my awful morning breath now can I?

I got straight up, ignoring the spinning in my head from standing up too fast, and ran to the bathroom to give them a quick brush, then ran straight back to the bed.

"Did you seriously get up just to brush your teeth?" Reece said, turning around a small bit to look at me.

"No," I said folding my arms, "I had to pee too."

"You're such a loser," he said while laughing.

"Yeah, a loser you couldn't help but have,-" I knew he would cut me off.

"RIVER, SHUT UP!" he shouted into his pillow.

"It's okay Reece," I patted his shoulder, "you just had a weak moment."

"Yeah, I've had them weak moments for the past three weeks," he said, still not looking up from his pillow.

"What?" I cocked my head, looking at the back of his head.

"Nothing, come on, time to get up, its our last day here," he said while chucking the pillow off my head.

"Fine," I huffed, then pulled myself from the bed.  If I'm honest, I'm quite sad it was our last day here, I really enjoyed spending time with Reece, and his family.

After brushing my teeth once again, then having a shower, I made my way down his long flight of stairs. 

"Good morning River, how are you today?" His mum came singing over to me. Why was she so happy?

"I'm good," I smiled, "and you?"

"I'm goo-, no great as a matter of fact," she perked, walking over to the oven and giving us our food.

I looked over at Reece raising my eyebrows, as he returned the gesture to me, he obviously didn't know why she was so happy either.

"Mum?" Reece called, and she hummed in response bringing over our breakfast and laying it out in front of us.

"Did something happen? You seems a bit too happy," he said, looking at her slowly.

"No nothing, I am just so happy that you two are finally together, it mak,-"

"MUM! We are not together!" Reece shrieked, causing his mum to jump. It was cute how red he turned.

"But I came upstairs last night to say goodnight, and you were on top of River kissi,-"

"MUM!" He shrieked in horror, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"So ye are not going out then?" She stopped what she was doing, then looked from him to me, me to him.

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