One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (24)

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"Reece, what the frickin' hell was wrong with you back there?" I asked as soon as we were alone in the apartment.


"You're the one with the girlfriend?" I pointed out, shrugging my shoulders. Every time I said it, it hurt more.

"Well, yeah," he said, quieting down.

"Look," I said throwing my hands in the air, "I'm not going to be on the other side of cheating, you either want me or you don't." Reece's eyes bulged out of his head, I have to admit it was really cute.

"I mean," I said giving him a really sexy look, biting my lip to add to the effect. "You do want me? Don't you?" I walked slowly over to him, oh boy was I going to have fun with this.

"R-river? What are you d-"

"Ssshhh," I started kissing alone his jaw line, then around his neck, leaving my hand slip under his top to feel around his toned abdominal and chest. I payed extra attention to one spot on his neck, causing low groans from him. I knew well what I was doing, as I left a love bite behind me.

"And that's for blondy," I turned around, and walked slowly away, making sure there was an extra sway to my hips.


"So he has a girlfriend? And didn't tell you?" Riley said, as he ate into his chips.

"Basically," I shrugged.

"What a dick!" He exclaimed, shoving another three or four ships into his mouth.

"Hey!" I said, getting a bit too defensive.

"What?" He said raising his eyebrows at me, but then sighed, "alright sorry, but seriously, what do you expect me to think?" He shrugged, eating another load of chips.

I also shrugged, and buried my face in my hands, I really don't know what to do.

"Look River, being gay and all, I understand the complication that the male specimen can be,-"

"And," I started, rudely interrupting him, "the fact the you're part of the male specimen categorey as well."

"Well, yeah but I ain't rude, I'm just honest," I let out an ugly snort of a laugh, causing him to raise bis eyebrows at me, "anyway, all I'm saying is if he wanted you, he would have told you by now.  I'm not saying this to be ignorant, but it's the truth.  He wanted blondie, he git blondie, if he wanted you he would've got you." He shrugged, then looked down breaking eye contact.

I don't know why, but listening to this hurt more than if Reece told me himself he didn't like me, maybe it's because everyone else can see it, so why can't I?


"Hey you're home," Reece said immediately as I walked in the door. Just play it cool River.

"Yeah, why did you miss me?" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"What climbed up your hole whike you were out," he asked in a tuning manner, which honestly just pissed me off even more, but I needed to keep my temper and play it cool.

"Nothing," I shrugged, "I'm just extra sassy tonight," I tried making a joke out of the situation, but the humour in my tone was failing me.

"River? Seriously what's wrong?" He said, all of a sudden looking concerned, but I didn't need him acting like he cared, when in reality he didn't give a crap.

"Why do you of all people care about me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, and a slight bit of anger showing in my voice.

"W-what? River you know I care about you, don't you?" His eyes now softening, but soon glossing over with anger.  "Who have you been talking to?" He asked, frustration clear in his voice.

"N-no one," I said, not being able to help the stuttering.

"River?" He said, waiting for an answer. I just can't help but love the way he says my name, it melts me to the core.

"Just one of my friends," I said, not daring to look at him.

"Okay you have a total of what, like two friends?" He said with a slight scoff.

"Hey!" I said getting defensive, "I like having two friends." I pouted.

"It was Riley, wasn't it?" Darkness in his eyes and I hate to admit it, but it was very attractive.

"A-am n-no it wasn't," I couldn't look him in the eye, no matter how much I actually wanted to.

"He's only saying that to you because he likes you River," Reece said, as if he knew everything.

"Oh really?" I said, putting my hand on my hip, "you think he's only saying that because he likes me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He said, in a matter of tone, which caused me to burst out laughing.

"W-whats so funny?" He asked, concern clearly written on his face.

"R-r-riley is gay," I laughed, I laughed so hard I could honestly feel a six pack beginning to form.

"Oh..," he looked down, his face flushed pink. For whatever reason, I walked over, cupped his cheeks and placed a gentle, soft kiss on his lips.  Which of course he returned a few seconds later.

"River," he breathed against me, as our foreheads rested against eaxhother.

"Loose the girlfriend," I whispered, then slowly walked away, leaving him just standing there.

I have to say, I was proud of my will power and resistance, I could've kept going, but no, I stopped and walked away, leaving him being the one wondering, and confused.

River - 1
Reece - 0


Hey guys, I am so sorry about the late update, I'm doing my leaving and have championships in three weeks, but I'll try update as often as possible.
Thanks to everyone who's reading, voting and commenting, means loads to me.

Tanya xo

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